Not only medicamentous therapy, but also balanced clinical nutrition is necessary for successful treatment of the majority of diseases. The medical diets applied at various diseases were developed. The patients adhering to the principles of treatment-and-prophylactic food, as a rule, quicker recover, have less recurrence of chronic diseases.
In a set of cases the exacerbation of a disease is connected with disturbance of a diet. Can be examples chronic pancreatitis, hypo - or hyper glycemic a coma at a diabetes mellitus, hypertensive crises 2 types at patients with arterial hypertension.
Not only what products you use, but also a way of their culinary processing, frequency rate of meal, etc. is important for balanced and clinical nutrition.
Main objective of the appointed medical diet at a disease is impact on the reason which caused it. It can be even the only option of treatment of a disease. It happens at disturbances in a metabolism, diseases of kidneys, digestive tract diseases. However most often dietary and treatment-and-prophylactic food is combined with other ways of treatment.
In any medical or preventive institution, and also at schools, kindergartens it is possible to meet examples of treatment-and-prophylactic food.
The institute of food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science developed special medical diets. In total them 15. Some diets at diseases can include subgroups since at the beginning of many diseases of the requirement to a diet, to its caloric content and the mechanism of preparation of dishes more strict can, than at attenuation of clinic or in the remission period.
Diets at diseases at No. 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 15 can is long to be observed by the patient since are correctly balanced on all indicators: caloric contents, to a ratio of nutritious elements, etc. Concerning diets No. 4, 5a, 8 it cannot be told. They are applied by short courses at the corresponding pathologies.
The main condition and the principle of balanced and clinical nutrition is respect for the principles of a shchazheniye of an organism from mechanical, thermal or chemical influence of food.
The mechanical shchazheniye means consumption of the products which passed a razmelcheniye, wiping, etc. Such food increases motility of digestive tract and contributes to normalization of its work.
The chemical shchazheniye means an exception of a medical diet of acid, hot, salty, fried dishes since they are capable to increase secretory activity of digestive tract, and some influence excitingly all organism.
The thermal shchazheniye means consumption of dishes which temperature is in an interval of 15-65 °C.
Frequency rate of meal is also important for observance of the correct diet at diseases. Specialists recommend to five - and six times food. Intervals between meals have to be about 4 hours. The last meal not later than 2-3 hours before withdrawal to a dream.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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