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Dyspepsia – the combined functional frustration of the alimentary system. It is a complex of the symptoms inherent to many diseases, and also borderline cases.

Dyspepsia reasons

Причины диспепсииAre the main reasons for dyspepsia a lack of the digestive enzymes causing a syndrome of insufficient absorption, or that happens most often, rough errors in food. The dyspepsia caused by disturbances of food is called alimentary dyspepsia.

Both lack of the mode of meal, and inadequate diet can cause symptoms of dyspepsia.

Thus, disorder of function of bodies of digestive tract without their organic lesion leads to functional dyspepsia (alimentary dyspepsia), and insufficiency of digestive enzymes is a consequence of organic lesion of bodies of a GIT. In this case dyspepsia only symptom of a basic disease.

Dyspepsia at children develops owing to discrepancy of structure or amount of food to opportunities of digestive tract of the child. As the most frequent reason of dyspepsia at children of the first year of life serves the overfeeding of the child or untimely introduction to a diet of new food stuffs. Besides, newborn children and children of the first weeks of life have a physiological dyspepsia caused by immaturity of digestive tract. Physiological dyspepsia does not demand treatment from children, and passes in process of maturing of a GIT.

Dyspepsia at children of advanced age often arises during the strengthened growth of an organism, for example, at teenage age, and it is connected with an imbalance of hormones (so-called critical periods of development). In this state digestive tract is especially vulnerable to food errors while teenagers often abuse fast food, sweet carbonated drinks and products with a large amount of the easily acquired carbohydrates that leads to dyspepsia. 

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Types of dyspepsia

Alimentary, or functional dyspepsia happens the following types:

  • Fermentative dyspepsia. Is caused by dominance in a diet of products with the high content of the carbohydrates fermenting (sweet and flour products, honey, fruit, peas, cabbage, bean and so forth), and also fermentation products (kvass, home brew, fermented vegetables, etc.). At the same time in intestines fermentative microflora develops;
  • Putrefactive dyspepsia. Arises at the excessive use of the products of a proteinaceous origin which are especially demanding a long time for digestion. Generally it belongs to red grades of meat (mutton, pork, beef) and their derivatives (sausages and other meat products), abuse of which stimulates development of putrefactive intestinal microflora;
  • Fatty (soap) dyspepsia. Is caused by consumption of too large amount of refractory fats, such as mutton both lard and their derivatives.

The dyspepsia which is a consequence of fermental insufficiency happens the following types:

  • Hepatogenous (hepatic origin);
  • Cholecystogenic (caused by disturbance of bile secretion);
  • Pankreatogeny (lack of enzymes of a pancreas);
  • Gastrogenic (caused by disturbance of secretory function of a stomach);
  • Enterogenous (release of intestinal juice is broken);
  • The mixed dyspepsia.

Dyspepsia symptoms

Симптомы диспепсииSymptoms of dyspepsia can vary depending on a type of frustration, but there are general signs characteristic of all types of a disease. Treat the general symptoms of dyspepsia:

  • Unpleasant feelings in epigastric area (an upper part of a stomach): feeling of weight, raspiraniye, sometimes pain of various intensity;
  • Nausea;
  • Eructation. A single eructation can not be a frustration sign, but constants testify to dyspepsia;
  • Heartburn. The burning sensation in epigastric and retrosternal area arising at hit of aggressive gastric contents in a gullet that normal should not occur;
  • Meteorism. The feeling of a raspiraniye of a stomach caused by the increased gas generation in intestines and also the strengthened gas separation;
  • Frustration of a chair. A characteristic symptom of dyspepsia are an irregular chair, as a rule, speeded up.

Symptoms of the dyspepsia caused by a lack of digestive enzymes, the following: unpleasant flavoring feelings in a mouth, nausea, rumbling and transfusion in a stomach, a meteorism, a loss of appetite, a frequent liquid chair. The general state suffers, the patient tests increased fatigue, weakness, an indisposition, there can be sleep disorders and headaches. Kal contains the remains of undigested food in a significant amount.

Abdominal murmur, strong meteorism, frequent liquid chair with allocation light foamy a calla, with a characteristic acid smell are inherent to fermentative dyspepsia, pain is possible.

Symptoms of dyspepsia putrefactive remind intoxication symptoms: febricula, weakness, nausea, severe headache. The chair is speeded up, kcal liquid, dark, with a pungent putrefactive smell.

Are less characteristic of fatty dyspepsia of a ponosa, than of other types of dyspepsias. Patients complain of feeling of weight and overflow in a stomach, the eructation, a meteorism and pains amplifying in half an hour or hour after meal. The chair is plentiful, excrements of whitish color, contain the remains of undigested fat, with an inherent greasy luster.

Dyspepsia at children of early age proves the vomiting, abdominal distention which is speeded up by a chair (more than 6 times a day), excrements of green color, contain whitish flakes. The kid is capricious, the sleep is interrupted, appetite is reduced.

Diagnosis of dyspepsia

The diagnosis is made on the basis of studying of the characteristic symptoms of dyspepsia, with carrying out specifying laboratory (the general blood test, urine, the analysis a calla on eggs a worm, a koprogramm, a research of secretion of bodies of digestive tract) and tool (a fibrogastroduodenoskopiya, ultrasonography and a X-ray analysis of abdominal organs and so forth) diagnostic methods of diseases of digestive tract.

Alimentary, or functional dyspepsia is diagnosed on the basis of characteristic symptoms of dyspepsia, establishment of errors of food, researches a calla in the absence of pathological changes from bodies of a GIT.

Treatment of dyspepsia

Лечение диспепсии народными средствамиTreatment of dyspepsia of an alimentary origin consists in purpose of a hungry pause, lasting from days to one and a half, then gradual introduction of food. Special attention is paid to balance of a diet and observance of the mode of meal. It is necessary to limit the use of the products which served as the dyspepsia reason. Also it is necessary to watch the drinking mode, the recommended amount of water has to be not less 1,5l in days.

Treatment of the dyspepsia caused by fermental insufficiency consists in correction of fermental insufficiency for what replacement therapy by the drugs containing necessary enzymes and also to observance of the diet unloading the changed site of a GIT is used. At this type of dyspepsias it is necessary to treat a basic disease.

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