Main > Diseases> Enterobiosis


General information about a disease

Причины появления энтеробиоза у детей

The enterobiosis is an infectious disease which is characterized by damage of intestines, allergic reactions and a severe itch around an anus. At the moment the enterobiosis is the most widespread helminthosis both in Russia, and in other countries with a frigid, temperate climate. Contagiums – small and thin helminths (pinworms) – live in intestines.

Most often the enterobiosis strikes children aged from 3 up to 10 years. The peak of incidence of an enterobiosis at children is the share of 5-year age. At the diagnosis an enterobiosis treatment significantly is at a loss because of resistance of activators to effect of medical supplies therefore it is extremely desirable to follow rules of personal hygiene of the child and to watch sanitary conditions in kindergarten, school and at home. Special attention is paid to bedding, toys, carpets, bathrooms and toilets as these objects and rooms are the place of accumulation of pinworms. Usually the enterobiosis at children is shown after consumption of the infected products or water. Despite regular processing, some time activators survive even in children's small bottles and decanters.

How the enterobiosis is transferred?

Always the sick person is an enterobiosis source. The eggs of pinworms laid on the surface of skin ripen within 4-6 hours and at once become infectious. They get on bed linen, personal care products, toys, furniture. Activators are carried by flies. As for ways of infection, as a rule, the enterobiosis develops after the use of the raw products and water or inhalation of dust which contains eggs of helminths. Let's notice also that at the diagnosis an enterobiosis symptoms of a disease are often shown at the same time on several body parts. It is explained by actions of the patient which combs pruritic places and transfers activators to healthy skin, promoting their repeated hit in intestines.

Several words about enterobiosis effects. Getting into a human body, helminths cause mechanical damages of an integument and mucous membranes of bodies that leads to emergence of inflammatory processes and development of allergic reactions. At women of a female of pinworms often get into generative organs.

Enterobiosis disease symptoms

Emergence of symptoms of an enterobiosis is noted in 1,5-2 weeks after infection. For this term of a pinworm reach a puberal state and begin the destructive activity. The main symptom of an enterobiosis – a severe itch in the field of an anal orifice. Usually it proceeds within several days, and then weakens that in 3-4 weeks to declare oneself with the doubled force. In process of accumulation of activators in intestines the itch gains constant character and becomes very painful. Combing of the damaged sites leads only to repeated hit of helminths in intestines, to grazes, dermatitis and accession of consecutive infections. If there are suspicions on an enterobiosis, the analysis on availability of helminths should be carried out as soon as possible. Otherwise, others also will be added to a constant itch characteristic to infection enterobiosis symptoms:

  • abdominal pains;
  • inflammatory diseases of digestive tract;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • alarming dream, bystry fatigue;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infections of urinary tract;
  • the enterobiosis at children leads to lag in growth and weight;
  • at women the inflammation of a mucous membrane of a vagina is often shown.

It is necessary to notice that for years of constant existence near the person enterobiosis activators perfectly adapted to life in an organism of carriers and learned to counteract many medical supplies. The enterobiosis often proceeds without the expressed clinical signs, and the available symptoms match displays of other helminthoses. For this reason the analysis of fecal mass of the sick person and other laboratory methods of a research remains the only way in time to reveal an enterobiosis.

Treatment of an enterobiosis

Таблетки для лечения энтеробиоза

The course of treatment is inseparable from careful respect for personal hygiene and disinfection of things to which the patient contacted. It is also necessary to consider that preventive treatment of an enterobiosis is necessary for all family members or children's collective as the infection can have the hidden character.

At treatment of an enterobiosis the house the following sanitary and hygienic events are held:

  • bed linen is boiled within half an hour, and then carefully ironed on both sides;
  • in all rooms of the apartment wet cleaning using disinfecting detergents is carried out;
  • during cleaning special attention is paid to door handles, a water-closet, hall;
  • if the enterobiosis at the child is observed, it is necessary to wash all toys of the kid and other objects to which it often contacts to soap;
  • if in the house there are carpets and oriental carpets, then it is necessary to vacuum them, and then to carry out wet processing of coverings on the street.

The complex of the disinfecting events is held twice – at the beginning of a course of treatment and in 2 weeks after the first cleaning.

As for medical supplies. At an enterobiosis to children the sparing anthelmintic means, for example, Mebendazolum or Pyrantelum are usually appointed. They effectively influence both eggs of parasites, and on puberal larvae, break exchange processes at pinworms, block ability of activators to stick to an intestines cover. The drugs stated above are not soaked up in blood and work only in the intestines that excludes possibility of allergic reactions to active components of drugs. Also at the diagnosis an enterobiosis treatment means reception of bifidumbacterium which recovers normal intestinal microflora.

After the termination of a course of treatment of an enterobiosis to patients the check analysis is carried out that is connected with the long course of an infection and some drugs resistance of activators. If necessary treatment is repeated with increase in a dose of drugs, but we will notice that because of bystry development of medical technologies, the repeated course is required only in exceptional cases.

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