Coloenteritis call an intestines inflammation. This term has two components – enteritis, or an inflammation of a small intestine, and colitis, or an inflammation of a large intestine. As all intestines represent the reported tube, as a rule, there is no isolated colitis or the isolated enteritis as the process which began in one department inevitably extends to another. At early stages of a disease, however, both limited enteritis, and limited colitis are possible, however it is not of great importance as the complex of medical measures is directed to treatment of a coloenteritis in general for treatment.
The coloenteritis the most widespread disease of digestive tract, especially often occurs a coloenteritis at children. Probably there is no person who would not be influenced by coloenteritis symptoms in an acute form. It is what in the people is called "gastric disturbance" or "poisoning with stale products".
There is a lot of reasons of a coloenteritis. Frequent it is the infection getting into an organism with substandard products or contaminated by ware, hands, water. Coloenterites at children most often happen bacterial, and arise because of hygiene violation of the rules as the child (a licking of dirty fingers, eating of dirty fruit), and its environment (mass flashes of a coloenteritis in child care facilities because of cooking violation of the rules).
Any factors breaking activity of intestines from mechanical (the refined food leading to locks and developments of stagnation in a mucous membrane of intestines) to toxic (for example, poisoning with medicines) can become the reason of a coloenteritis.
On character of a current allocate an acute and chronic coloenteritis.
In the location allocate the localized or generalized forms:
- enterita;
- colitis;
- coloenterites.
About an origin distinguish the following types of coloenterites:
Coloenteritis symptoms in an acute form: a diarrhea, the cutting abdominal pain, nausea, sometimes vomiting.
The diarrhea can be from 2-3 (enteritis) to 10 times a day and more (colitis). At an infectious coloenteritis symptoms of intoxication accompany a disease: temperature increase (38 °C and above), fever, weakness, headache.
The acute coloenteritis at children can be followed by considerable deterioration in the general state, up to a loss of consciousness and spasms as at children quickly there comes dehydration intoxication is stronger expressed.
The chronic coloenteritis has symptoms similar, but in less expressed form and more various. As well as at an acute form of a disease, the chronic coloenteritis is characterized first of all by disturbance of a chair. Most often it is a diarrhea or alternation of ponos with locks, locks are more rare. The abdominal pain is also present, but less sharp, as a rule, pain amplifies before defecation.
Symptoms of a coloenteritis chronic are always followed by symptoms of dyspepsia: nausea, an eructation, a meteorism, owing to deep disturbance of digestive function. Also general state suffers, integuments gain unhealthy pale grayish color, nails become fragile, hair dim, increased fatigue, weakness, disturbances of concentration, memory and a dream are observed. In such state the patient is subject to various infectious diseases as immunity decreases.
Diagnosis of a coloenteritis usually does not cause difficulties and is carried out generally for the purpose of specification of a cause of illness, and also for an exception of other reasons of an acute abdomen in case of an acute coloenteritis.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of studying of symptoms of a coloenteritis (collecting the anamnesis), laboratory blood analyses and a calla (koprogramma), and also tool researches of intestines.
The most informative are the kolonoskopiya (the endoscopic method of studying of a mucous membrane of intestines, helps to define colitis) and X-ray inspection of intestines using X-ray contrast substance.
Approach to treatment of a coloenteritis chronic and acute differs a little.
Treatment of a coloenteritis acute consists first of all in creation of rest for the affected intestines and liquid loss completion. For this purpose appoint a hungry pause at least to days during which plentiful drink of pure still water and sweet tea is offered to the patient. After days, at decrease in expressiveness of symptoms of a coloenteritis, add liquid rice or oat porridges, then croutons from white loaf to a diet. After gradually add new products, giving preference to the easy wiped thermally processed food. For the purpose of the termination of a diarrhea antidiarrheal means, such as Immodium or Smekta, but only on doctor's orders can be applied. In a remission phase treatment of a coloenteritis in an acute form consists in recovery of a normal indestinal flora for what a probiotics and prebiotics are appointed.
Treatment of a coloenteritis infectious demands use antibacterial or antiparasitics which are appointed after identification of the activator.
Treatment of a coloenteritis chronic consists in elimination of a cause of illness. The infectious agent is eliminated if that is found, the mode and a food allowance are normalized, the diet adjusting food errors is appointed. As often chronic coloenteritis is caused by other, primary disease, take measures for its treatment. In case of treatment of a coloenteritis chronic it is also important to eliminate always the dysbacteriosis accompanying it for what prebiotics and a probiotics are appointed.
Treatment of coloenterites often demands hospitalization from children, in view of big danger of a disease to a children's organism.
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