The epidermophitia is a disease which is characterized by defeat of upper layers of skin and nails mushrooms of a sort of epidermofiton. The epidermophitia belongs to a number of fungus diseases of skin. Meets at men more often though an epidermophitia at women also not a rarity.
Distinguish two forms of an epidermophitia: inguinal epidermophitia and epidermophitia of feet.
The inguinal epidermophitia - is caused by a mushroom of Epidermophyton inguinale Sabourand. It is possible to catch this disease in a bath or the pool, when using of the general basts, towels, personal care products.
The favorable environment for the activator of an inguinal epidermophitia – heat and moisture therefore most often this disease stout persons with tendency to the increased sweating, patients with diabetes have. Frequent use of wet compresses can also promote development of a disease. The inguinal epidermophitia occurs at women and at men though male individuals are ill more often.
Localization of a disease – on the internal surface of a hip, in inguinal folds, on a pubis and axillary hollows. At stout persons the epidermophitia can extend to skin of a breast or a stomach. The epidermophitia at women happens also on skin under mammary glands.
The initial stage of a disease is characterized by emergence of red spots which are shelled. There are large centers with reddening and edematous edge later, on these places bubbles and scales can appear. With development of a disease the centers merge in big affected areas. Edges of a wound consist of the exfoliating epidermis. During the aggravation periods a characteristic symptom of a disease is the itch.
The inguinal epidermophitia begins sharply, but then takes the chronic form and can last for months and even years. The periods of remission alternate with the aggravation periods.
The epidermophitia of feet is an infectious disease which is transmitted from the person to the person at visit of a bath, the pool, shower, on the beach. Circulation on the infected rugs or laying bare feet, wearing someone else's footwear, socks can also provoke an epidermophitia of feet. Development of a disease is promoted by the increased perspiration of legs, wearing the close, incorrectly adjusted footwear, various attritions and an intertrigo, disturbance of acid-base balance of sweat. Also the epidermophitia of feet can arise owing to the general diseases: disturbances of normal work of nervous and endocrine system, hypovitaminosis, angoipatiya, injuries of feet, Crocq's disease.
Infestant is Trichophyton mentagrophytes mushroom.
There are several forms of this disease.
The squamous form - is characterized by existence on the arches of feet of a peeling which can occupy small sites or extend to all foot. Patients are disturbed by an insignificant itch, sometimes symptoms can be absent absolutely. Therefore often this form of a disease remains unnoticed that worsens an epidemiological situation. At an initial stage only one foot is surprised, then the disease passes also to the second foot.
The Intertriginozny form – arises in the presence of a squamous form. Localization of the activator – in interdigital space, most often between the fourth and fifth finger. This form of an epidermophitia is characterized by existence of cracks which are surrounded with the exfoliating epidermis, between fingers. The disease can sometimes extend to bends of fingers and foot. The Intertriginozny form is characterized by an itch and morbidity of affected areas. The disease has a long current, the aggravation comes during the winter period. In the absence of treatment development of a chronic ugly face of shins and thrombophlebitis owing to accession of a streptococcal infection is possible.
The Disgidrotichesky form – is characterized by existence on the arches of foot of bubbles, various in size. Bubbles can merge together and form ulcer surfaces with the exfoliated epidermis at the edges. The disease can extend to internal and outside side surfaces of feet. Symptoms of a disease are morbidity and an itch. If on the struck place the infection gets, then liquid in bubbles grows turbid, pus is emitted. Development of a lymphangitis and lymphadenitis is possible. The disease is characterized by a long current with the periods of remission and an aggravation.
The epidermophitia of nails – is one of forms of an epidermophitia of feet. At an initial stage of a disease at nail edge yellow strips or spots are formed. Then the nail plate is thickened, becomes yellow color. With development of an epidermophitia of nails destruction of a nail plate is observed owing to what it crumbles and breaks. Sometimes at an epidermophitia of nails the nail plate becomes thinner and torn away. This process is called still онихолизис. Most often the mushroom affects the first and fifth finger of foot.
Treatment of an epidermophitia is directed to disposal of an infestant.
The inguinal epidermophitia – treatment assumes use of such drugs as: Mycosolonum, sulfur-tar ointments, 2% iodic tincture, lorindenm - Page.
If the disease is localized on feet, then treatment of an epidermophitia assumes purpose of fungicidal drugs, such as sulfur-tar ointments, микосептин, Mycosolonum, Vilkinson's ointment, Castellani's liquid, etc. Also carry out amotio across Ariyevich and Sheklakov.
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