Main > Human organs> Phalanxes of fingers of hands

Phalanxes of fingers of hands

Phalanxes of fingers of hands of the person have three parts: proximal, main (average) and final (distal). On a distal part of a nail phalanx there is well noticeable nail tuberosity. All fingers of hands are formed by three phalanxes called by the main, average and nail. The exception makes only thumbs – they consist of two phalanxes. The thickest phalanxes of fingers of hands form big, and the longest – long fingers.

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Phalanxes of fingers of hands belong to short tubular bones and have an appearance of the small extended stone, in the form of the semi-cylinder turned by a convex part on the palm back. On the ends of phalanxes the joint surfaces which are taking part in formation of interphalangeal joints are located. These joints have the blokovidny form. In them performance of extensions and bendings is possible. Joints are well strengthened by collateral sheaves.

Outward of phalanxes of fingers of hands and diagnosis of diseases

At some chronic diseases of internals of a phalanx of fingers of hands change and take a form of "drum sticks" (a spherical thickening of trailer phalanxes), and nails begin to remind "hour glasses". Such modifications are observed at chronic diseases of lungs, a mucoviscidosis, heart diseases, an infectious endocarditis, a myeloleukemia, a lymphoma, an esophagitis, a disease Krone, cirrhosis, a diffusion craw.

Fracture of a phalanx of a finger of hands

Fractures of phalanxes of fingers of hands most often arise owing to direct stroke. The change of a nail plate of phalanxes usually always happens fragmental.

Clinical picture: the phalanx of fingers of hands hurts, swells, function of the injured finger becomes limited. If the change with shift, then becomes well noticeable deformation of a phalanx. At fractures of phalanxes of fingers of hands without shift sometimes mistakenly diagnose stretching or shift. Therefore if the phalanx of a finger of hands hurts and the victim connects this pain with an injury, then surely X-ray inspection follows (roentgenoscopy or a X-ray analysis in two projections) that allows to make the correct diagnosis.

Treatment of a fracture of phalanx of fingers of hands without shift conservative. Apply the aluminum tire or a plaster bandage for three weeks. After that appoint physiotherapeutic treatment, massage and occupations physiotherapy exercises. Full mobility of the injured finger usually is recovered within a month.

At a fracture of phalanxes of fingers of hands with shift carry out comparison of bone fragments (reposition) under local anesthesia. Then apply the metal tire or a plaster bandage for a month.

At a fracture of a nail phalanx make its immobilization a circular plaster bandage or an adhesive plaster.

Phalanxes of fingers of hands hurt: reasons

Even the smallest joints in a body of the person – interphalangeal joints can be surprised the diseases breaking their mobility and which are followed by painful pain. Arthritises (rhematoid, gouty, psoriasis) and the deforming osteoarthrosis belong to such diseases. If these diseases not to treat, then over time they lead to development to the expressed deformation of the injured joints, full disturbance of their motive function and an atrophy of muscles of fingers and hands. In spite of the fact that the clinical picture of these diseases is similar, their treatment variously. Therefore if you are hurt by phalanxes of fingers of hands, then it is not necessary to self-medicate. Only the doctor, having conducted necessary examination, can make the correct diagnosis and to respectively appoint necessary therapy.

Whether you know that:

The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.