Main > Drugs> Pharmazolin


Pharmazolin – alpha адреномиметик.

Structure and forms of release

Drug is produced Назальные капли для детей Фармазолинin two dosage forms:

  • Nasal drops of 0,05% or 0,1% in bottles on 5 or 10 ml.
  • Nasal spray of 0,1%, in bottles on 15 or 20 ml.

Active agent of drug – xylomethazolinum.

Pharmacological action of Pharmazolin

Drug has vasopressor and antikongestivny effect. Narrows vessels of a mucous membrane of a nose, excites alpha adrenoceptors, reduces a hyperemia, exudation and a blood stream in venous sine. According to Pharmazolin significantly facilitates nasal breath.

Drug has local effect which occurs in five minutes after reception and proceeds for one-two hours.

Indications to Pharmazolin's use

According to the instruction Pharmazolin is shown at:

  • acute rhinitises of various origin;
  • otitises of a middle ear (for the purpose of reduction of hypostasis of a mucous membrane of a nasopharynx);
  • diseases of adnexal bosoms of a nose (for the purpose of simplification of outflow of a secret);
  • surgical and diagnostic manipulations in the nasal courses (for the purpose of reduction of bleeding and hypostasis).


According to the instruction Pharmazolin is contraindicated at:

  • tachycardias;
  • to closed-angle glaucoma;
  • children's age before half a year;
  • pregnancies;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • the expressed atherosclerosis;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • arterial hypertension.

Route of administration of Pharmazolin and mode of dosing

Pharmazolin 0,05%, as a rule, Назальный спрей Фармазолинappoint to children aged up to twelve years and to patients who did not use vasoconstrictive drugs earlier.

To children from six months to five years appoint drug in a dosage 1-2 drops to two times a day.

To children from five to twelve years the dosage of drug makes 1-3 drops to two times a day.

To adults and children is more senior than twelve years appoint Pharmazolin 0,1% on 1-3 drops intranazalno to three times a day.

Duration of treatment makes from three to five days. It is impossible to use drug longer than seven days.

Pharmazolin's use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In therapeutic dosages drug does not exert system impact, works locally therefore it is not contraindicated.

Side effect of Pharmazolin

According to reviews Pharmazolin can cause the side effects which are shown as dryness in a nose, burning and a pricking. At too frequent or long use in high dosages Pharmazolin according to reviews leads to a rhinedema. Increase in arterial pressure, dizziness, sleeplessness, a headache, tachycardia, a short-term vision disorder, disturbance of a cordial rhythm can be observed.

Especially long use of drug in excessive dosages can lead to a depression.

Medicinal interaction

Strengthen Pharmazolin's effect of an adrenomimetika of other groups.

Sympatholytics and adrenolytic drugs, and also antagonists of calcium weaken effect of drug.

Pharmazolin strengthens hypertensive effect of MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants on cardiovascular system.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.