Main > Diseases> Fluorosis


Симптомы флюороза зубов

Fluorosis – local (characteristic of a certain area) or occupational disease which reason is covered in the increased content of fluorine in water, products and the environment. In the 18th century because of characteristic changes of an adamantine substance of tooth the fluorosis was called by "speckled enamel" or "speckled teeth"

Workers of productions which are accompanied by emissions of compounds of fluorine in air treat risk group of a disease of a professional fluorosis. The high-concentrated compounds of fluorine in gaseous state provoke atrophic changes in mucous respiratory tracts owing to what development of such diseases as laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis and a fluorosis is possible. Quite often there occur changes of internals and a bone tissue. The etiology (reason) of a local fluorosis not always is in direct dependence on the content of fluorine in water (standard of concentration of this element – 0,7-1,3 mg/l). The large role in development of a fluorosis is played by observance of a feeding schedule, the living environment and terms of stay in such zone. Also social factors are important.

Main symptoms of a fluorosis

Displays of this disease in stomatology are most characteristic – most often it is limited to defeat of an adamantine substance of tooth. At the same time the fluorosis practically does not touch milk teeth since their mineralization occurs in mother's womb therefore, it is considered that the placenta detains a large amount of fluorine. Though, it is not excluded that at very high content of fluorine the fluorosis of teeth can appear even at absolutely small children.

Striking an adamantine substance of tooth, the fluorosis at children takes most often symmetric second teeth, for example, the central cutters. As a rule, the first clinical symptoms appear soon after eruption. At the same time enamel gains dullness, loses transparency, and on its surface spots, in the beginning milky-white, and then and yellowy-brown color appear.

Extents of defeat by a fluorosis, according to the WHO classification:

  • Very easy form of a fluorosis. Color of enamel is almost not changed.
  • Easy form of a fluorosis. Emergence of milky-white strips or the same small spots on single teeth is observed. At the same time the area of defeat does not exceed 25% of total area of a crown of tooth.
  • Moderate form of a fluorosis. The area of defeat by pretty spots and strips reaches 50%.
  • Average – in addition to pretty spots of brown or yellowish color appear. Exposure to caries is characteristic of this degree.
  • Severe form of a fluorosis. There is a defeat of the most part of a crown of tooth, disturbance of structure of solid fabrics is added to the expressed pigmentation. There is a deformation of a crown, enamel is subject to deleting and a skalyvaniye. At the third degree the fluorosis can affect bone tissues of a skeleton.

Diagnosis of a fluorosis

To diagnose a fluorosis of teeth, both at the child, and at adults will not make special work. At the same time can find a fluorosis in children, both the stomatologist, and the pediatrician. Diagnosing of this disease is based on the clinical manifestations characteristic of different degrees of a fluorosis. However the specialist should differentiate it from caries in a spot stage. If the single defeats which are located in typical places are characteristic of caries, then the fluorosis is shown by multiple changes which appear soon after eruption of the main teeth.

Treatment of a fluorosis of teeth

If diagnosis showed that your child has a fluorosis, treatment is carried out depending on severity of a disease.

Treatment methods

  • At the first, easy degree, the fluorosis is treated by means of whitening with the subsequent remineralizing therapy – saturation of solid tissues of teeth connections of various microelements (phosphorus, calcium, etc.)
  • At a fluorosis of average and heavy degree when there are destructive disturbances of enamel or tooth, such methods of treatment as are applied: restoration of affected areas by means of composite materials, or using orthopedic designs

Prevention of a disease

Детская зубная паста при профилактике флюороза зубов

Prevention of a fluorosis includes collective and individual actions.

Treat public preventive actions of a fluorosis:

  • Construction new or reconstruction of old water treatment stations which could defluorinate water
  • Mixing of the waters having different concentration of fluorine that will lead to decrease in maintenance of this element
  • Use of water filters from the burned-through bone or sulfate alumina
  • Ensuring summer stay of children in places with the low content of fluorine
  • Inadmissibility of use of water with high rates of fluorine in child care facilities, and providing them with imported water
  • Import to these territories of the vegetables and fruit which are grown up in places where the content of fluorine is in norm limits

To prevent development of a fluorosis, also the individual prevention including is necessary:

  • Change of a source of drinking water. For what it is possible to use butylated water with the optimum content of minerals.
  • Whenever possible, ensuring natural feeding of newborns
  • Enrichment of food vitamins of the B,C,D groups, proteins, salts of calcium and phosphorus. Isklyuchiyeniye from a food allowance of the products containing a large amount of fluorine – sea fish, oil of melted, fat meat and strong tea.
  • Increase in amount of dairy products, vegetables and fruit – they possess antiflyuorozny action. Winter season requires increase in a diet of the child of polyvitamins, reception of a gluconate of calcium and fish oil. Naturally, all changes in a food allowance need to be carried out after consultation with the attending physician.
  • Careful and systematic care of teeth, use of toothpastes with the content of glycerophosphate of calcium

These preventive actions promote decrease in displays of such disease as a fluorosis at children. And systematic visit of a dental office will be will make a smile not only joyful, but also open!

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