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from 474 rub.

Фосамакс – inhibitor of a bone resorption of group of biphosphonates. Фосамакс в дозировке 70 мгActive ingredient – алендронат sodium is a part of drug. Локализуясь in the centers of an active bone resorption, drug inhibits this pathological process caused by osteoclasts at the same time without influencing in the direct way formation of a new bone tissue. Processes of education and a resorption of a bone tissue are interconnected therefore under the influence of Fosamaks also formation of a bone, however to a lesser extent, than process of a resorption decreases. The progressing increase in bone weight results. At treatment this drug forms a normal bone tissue which structure it is built in pharmacological inactive алендронат. In a therapeutic dosage of Fosamaks does not cause osteomalacy. This drug well proved in treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis at women, significantly increasing density of a bone tissue thanks to what reviews of Fosamaksa positive. Data of clinical trials confirm high activity of drug.

At oral administration of Fosamaks in a dosage 5-70mg in 2 hours prior to a usual breakfast bioavailability makes about 0,6%. At later reception bioavailability decreases by 40%. At Fosamaks's reception along with food or after food its bioavailability is insignificant. There are no data on ability of drug to be metabolized in a human body.

In number of 50% drug is removed by kidneys. The final elimination half-life of Fosamaks makes about 10 years that speaks about his release from a bone.

Indications to Fosamaks's use

In the instruction to Fosamaks the following indications to use are specified:

  • post-menopausal osteoporosis at women (the prevention of development of changes, in particular a femur, compression spinal fractures);
  • prevention of development of osteoporosis at risk of its emergence at women in the period of a menopause (decrease in probability of developing of fractures);
  • therapy of osteoporosis at men (the prevention of development of changes);
  • treatment of the osteoporosis induced by glucocorticoids;
  • therapy of a bone disease of Pedzhet.

Contraindications to Fosamaks's use

According to the instruction to Fosamaks, this drug is contraindicated at:

  • individual intolerance of components;
  • the diseases of a gullet which are slowing down its emptying (an achalasia, strictures);
  • hypocalcemias;
  • inability to stand or sit directly within half an hour.

Side effects

At Fosamaks's use emergence of the following side effects is registered:

  • from a GIT: ulcers, gullet erosion, vomiting, nausea, gastritis, an esophagitis, a melena, perforation, stomach ulcers and DPK, including a peptic ulcer (reliable connection with use of drug is not established), gullet strictures, the local osteonecrosis of a jaw associated with the previous extraction of tooth;
  • from muscular and bone system: ostealgias, mialgiya, joint pains, swelling of joints;
  • from skin: an erythema, skin rash, a photosensitization, an alopecia, an itch, it is extremely rare – heavy allergic processes (an epidermal necrolysis, Stephens-Johnson's syndrome);
  • from sense bodys: episcleritis, sclerite, uveitis;
  • from TsNS: dizziness, disturbance of flavoring feelings;
  • others: hypocalcemia, peripheral hypostases.

Side effects often serve as the reason of negative reviews of Fosamaksa from patients. Strict medical control at its use is necessary for the prevention of side effect of drug. At use of drug according to the instruction of Fosamaks it is quite well transferred. More often the easy side effects which are not demanding drug withdrawal develop.

Route of administration, dosage

Фосамакс it is intended for peroral use. Таблетки ФосамаксIt is necessary to take drug at least for half an hour before meal or liquid. To wash down only with simple water. Any other drinks reduce Fosamaks's absorption.

For the prevention of irritation of a gullet it is recommended to follow the following instructions at Fosamaks's reception: to drink a tablet in the morning directly after rise from a bed; it is necessary to wash down with a full glass of simple water, without chewing and not rassasyvy a tablet in an oral cavity; before the first meal it is not recommended to lay down (at least 30 minutes). It is impossible to accept Fosamaks before rise from a bed, and also before going to bed.

At insufficient intake of vitamin D and calcium it is recommended to accept the corresponding drugs in parallel.

The medical dosage of Fosamaks at osteoporosis makes 70 mg (1 tablet) once for about a week.

Dosage for prevention of osteoporosis – 5 mg a day.

Dosage at the osteoporosis induced by glucocorticoids – 5 mg a day.

Fosamaks's dosage at therapy of a bone disease of Pedzhet – 40 mg a day for 6 months.


At Fosamaks's overdose and analogs there are symptoms of a hypocalcemia, a hypophosphatemia, damage of an upper part of a GIT. In case of overdose the patient needs to accept antacids or milk for binding of an alendronat. Vomiting should not be caused (possibly defeat mucous a gullet). There is no specific treatment.

Medicinal interaction of Fosamaks

Disturbance of absorption of Fosamaks at a concomitant use of antacids, drugs of calcium and other peroral medicines is possible. The interval between Fosamaks's reception and other drugs has to be more than 30 minutes. At simultaneous use of glucocorticoids essential medicinal interaction is not revealed.

Fosamaks's use at pregnancy

Fosamaks's use during pregnancy and a lactation is contraindicated.


This drug has high ability to recovery of a bone tissue that is proved in a number of clinical tests therefore reviews of Fosamaksa positive from doctors and patients. At use of drug according to the instruction and in an adjusted dosage the risk of development of heavy side effects is minimum.

Fosamaks's analogs

There are following analogs of Fosamaks: Alendronat, Alental, Ostalon, Osterepar, Strongos, Tevanat, Foroza.

Special instructions

At Fosamaks's use and analogs there is a risk of damage of upper parts of a GIT. Patients have to be warned about such risk. At emergence of characteristic symptomatology medical care is necessary. The risk of development of severe damage of a GIT is significantly higher at the patients violating recommendations about Fosamaks's use or continuing his reception after emergence of the first symptoms of defeat mucous by a GIT.

At the accidental admission of the next reception of Fosamaks (in the mode 1 tablet a week) the following pill is recommended to be taken in the next morning. In the subsequent it is recommended to return to the chosen schedule of administration of drug. It is impossible to take 2 pill in one day.

Фосамакс it is used exclusively on doctor's orders and under strict medical control.

Before use of drug it is recommended to study the instruction to Fosamaks.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Фосамакс tablets 70 of mg of 4 pieces

474 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Фосамакс тбл 70 mg No. 4, Merck Sharp & Dohme

511 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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