Main > Diseases> Furunculosis


Фурункулез - заболевание инфекционного характера

Furunculosis – a disease of infectious character at which there is a formation of furuncles.

Furuncle (the demotic name a furuncle) – a purulent inflammation of a hair follicle in which it is involved the fabrics surrounding it. The inflammation is caused by implementation in a hair follicle of the infectious agent which staphylococcus is.

Most often golden staphylococcus is the reason of a furunculosis, is more rare – white staphylococcus.

Furunculosis reasons

Penetration of a contagium into skin through a microtrauma and its reproduction there what is result of is purulent - the necrotic process covering a hair bulb with adjacent fabrics is a proximate cause of a furunculosis. However a major factor in origins of this inflammation is decrease in immunity as local, and the general.

Golden staphylococcus belongs to extremely widespread pathogenic microorganisms, usually it gets on skin of the healthy person, without causing diseases. Skin microtraumas also very frequent phenomenon. Decrease in protective properties of skin is that advantage factor which leads to implementation of staphylococcus in internal environment. At the same time, of course, observance of rules of hygiene as insanitary conditions increase the frequency of contacts with the furunculosis activator is important.

As a rule, even the single furuncle testifies to reduced immunity, but the furunculosis at which multiple furuncles are formed, always has failure in immune system in a basis. The reasons of similar failure there can be a set: general diseases of an organism, blood circulation disturbance, endocrine frustration, stressoneustoychivost, physical and psychoemotional overstrain.

Thus, furunculosis reason this combination of local and general disturbing factors: the local reason of a furunculosis this hit of staphylococcus in skin through a microtrauma, the general reason of a furunculosis – decrease in immunity.

Furunculosis at children

The furunculosis at children is formed on the similar mechanism, and occurs to a bowl, than at adults. It happens because of age imperfection of immune system at children, and also more frequent small skin injuries and contact with the contaminated objects, besides, the general condition of an organism matters.

Especially often the furunculosis occurs at children of teenage age. It is connected with hormonal instability of an organism of the teenager, and also with the external factors causing decrease in immunity (stresses, improper feeding, etc.).

Furunculosis symptoms

Первое проявление фурункулеза - болезненный прыщThe furunculosis proves emergence on skin of various body parts of furuncles in a different stage of maturing. The furuncle passes a certain development cycle: in the beginning there is a painful spot (pustule), then there comes the infiltration stage when the pustule and surrounding fabric are condensed. At the following stage the hair bulb is exposed to purulent fusion. In a pustule it is formed it is purulent - the necrotic center in which center there is a dense core. Then necrotic fabrics are torn away, the wound is cleared, process comes to the end with scarring. Small furuncles pass completely, on site deep defeat of fabrics there can be hems.

As at a furunculosis there is a multiple formation of furuncles, the general condition of an organism suffers. Furuncles are very painful, and depending on the location, can prevent to perform usual household operations – to go, sit, move hands, to turn the head, etc. There can be symptoms of intoxication: fervescence to subfebrile figures, the general deterioration in health, a headache, a loss of appetite.

The furunculosis at children proceeds usually violently, the general state is lowered always, temperature can increases considerably, the current is similar to the course of an infectious disease. However at the same time the furunculosis at children passes quicker, is less inclined to a long current as it is peculiar to a furunculosis at adults.

Diagnosis of a furunculosis

Diagnosis of a furunculosis usually does not cause difficulties, in view of a superficial arrangement of the centers of an inflammation. However at persistent, not giving in to therapy the course of a disease the developed diagnosis with establishment of the exact reasons of a furunculosis can be required. In this case carry out bacterial crops of purulent contents of a follicular pustule, the developed blood test, an immunodiagnosis. In the absence of result conduct full examination of an organism as in this case the general disease can be the cause of a furunculosis (diabetes, a blood disease, etc.).

Treatment of a furunculosis

Treatment of a furunculosis consists of local and general therapy.

Местное лечение фурункулеза - протирание спиртомTopical treatment of a furunculosis consists in performing antibacterial therapy, anesthesia, creation of aseptic conditions for prevention of spread of an infection. Apply wiping by alcohol of 4-6 times a day. For treatment of a furunculosis use usual 70%, salicylic 2% or boric 3% alcohol, peroxide of hydrogen of 3%, spirit tincture of iodine of 5%. Important: it is necessary to wipe each furuncle from the periphery to the center not to carry an infection on skin. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out a furuncle on any of its stages! Similar actions lead to distribution of an inflammation and development of heavy complications (abscesses, phlegmons).

Antibiotics at a furunculosis apply locally in the form of blockade: the furuncle on the periphery is cut away by antibiotic solution with anesthetic. Such blockade are very effective and if to apply them on an early mode of formation of a furuncle, process is exposed to involution.

After an otkhozhdeniye of necrotic masses and an exit of a core furuncles continue to process solutions of antiseptic agents, but not containing alcohol, for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide any more. After full clarification of a wound for acceleration of healing impose ointment drugs: Vishnevsky's ointment, sea-buckthorn oil or oil of a dogrose. At this stage of treatment of a furunculosis actively apply means of physical therapy: UF-radiation, magnetotherapy, warming up.

The general treatment of a furunculosis consists first of all in elimination of the general disease which caused decrease in immunity or/and in the fortifying procedures allowing to recover it. In case of heavy disease appoint antibiotics at a furunculosis, and also anti-inflammatory drugs for intake. However without emergency antibiotics at a furunculosis inside try not to appoint as they, in turn, promote decrease in immunity.

Treatment of a furunculosis folk remedies

Treatment of a furunculosis folk remedies can be rather successful if it is applied correctly. So, processing of furuncles at all stages by means of broths of officinal herbs (a pharmaceutical camomile, a celandine, a train, an acorus, an eucalyptus, etc.) is very useful, oil extracts from plants, including the oils of a dogrose, a sea-buckthorn, pumpkin mentioned above well act on a healing stage.

Well help with quality of fortifying folk remedies at a furunculosis honey and products of beekeeping.

Before treating a furunculosis folk remedies, it is necessary to be convinced that there is no sensitivity increased to them.

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