Main > Diseases> Hemophilic stick

Hemophilic stick

Main data on a disease

Человек инфицированный гемофильной палочкойSurprisingly, but if abroad the hemophilic stick is subject to compulsory vaccination, then in our country everything is differently. Many parents do not know at all about what is a hemophilic stick and, therefore, do not undertake any measures for the prevention of an infection. However, the neutral position of doctors is on this matter quite clear, vaccination has to be performed at the expense of the state, but fight against a hemophilic stick is not provided by a national calendar of inoculations and any funds for it is not allocated.

Frankly speaking, such situation slightly frightens. Activators of a hemophilic stick live in upper respiratory tracts of any person. As a rule, they do not constitute danger to healthy people, but at the weakened immunity the hemophilic stick begins to breed strenuously and provokes emergence of whole "bouquet" of sores, including: meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottiditis and purulent cellulitis. People, the transferred serious illness, and children under 5 years at whom the organism cannot develop own antibodies against an infection yet enter into risk group. The peak of incidence falls on 6-12 months when protective systems of an organism of the child cease to be supported by milk of mother and begin to work independently.

Today to 40% of children are carriers of a hemophilic stick, and at any time it can pass into an active phase and begin the destructive work. Fears are caused also by the fact that the infection is easily transmitted in the airborne way, or through direct contact with things of the sick person.

Why vaccination of the population is not carried out?

To answer this question, it is necessary to have an idea of some features of a hemophilic stick. Doctors know 6 types of activators of a hemophilic stick, but only one of them, namely – type B, pose a threat for children and adults. It would seem, the task becomes simpler, but it only a delusion. All the matter is that a hemophilic stick which treatment seems a trick, extremely a rezistentna to antibiotics. From all the party it is surrounded with a peculiar capsule. This protective cover successfully constrains the main components of drugs and, besides, complicates development of antibodies. As a result, the percent of stability of a hemophilic stick to penicillin, levomycetinum, tetracycline and other antibiotics makes from 80 to 100%.

Treatment of a hemophilic stick is strongly complicated also because of imperfection of domestic diagnostic technologies. Sets which can find a hemophilic stick are made only abroad and cost rather much. It is one of the main causes of failure from general vaccination against a hemophilic stick.

Why vaccination after all is necessary?

We already mentioned above that the hemophilic stick promotes emergence of a set of other diseases. Scientific research showed that after vaccination many children in general ceased to be ill ORZ or no more than 1-2 times a year hurt. Besides, there are two more good reasons to fight against effects which are caused by a hemophilic stick. Inoculations help:

  • to reduce to zero probability "to catch" meningitis or pneumonia in the first years of life of the child;
  • to prepare the child for constant communication with peers that is inevitable at visit of kindergarten and school. During this period the frequency of the infections transferred the kid increases. Vaccination reduces risk of infection and development of heavy complications.

Hemophilic stick – treatment and prevention of a disease

Вакцинация детей предотвращает заболевание гемофильной палочкойAs mass vaccination in our country is not carried out – it is necessary to count only on itself, the benefit new means of fight against a hemophilic stick appeared in recent years. One of them – the conjugated vaccines with protein which quite successfully cope with an infection. In Russia the French drug Akt-HIB from the company Avensti Pasteur was widely adopted.

The vaccine is shown to children from 2 months. It contains tetanic anatoxin which promotes strengthening of an immune response. If the child had a hemophilic stick, inoculations of Akt-Hib will reduce risk of development of an infection and secondary diseases.

Use of a vaccine for children of different age groups:

  • up to 6 months – 3 injections with an interval of 2 months. In a year after the 3rd injection the revaktsiniruyushchy dose is entered;
  • from 6 to 12 months – 2 injections with a break in 1 month. The Revaktsiniruyushchy dose – in 18 months;
  • from 1 year to 5 years - 1 injection.

Short side effects are possible: erubescence in the place of a prick, irritability, drowsiness.

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