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Hemorrhagic syndrome

Как проявляется геморрагический синдром у женщинOwing to changes in one or several links of a hemostasis there is a tendency to bleeding of mucous membranes and to a skin hemorrhage which is called a hemorrhagic syndrome.

In medicine distinguish five types of a syndrome, namely:

  • Sinyachkovy, or petekhialno-spotty – it is typical for a trombotsitopatiya, hereditary deficit of factors of coagulation, thrombocytopenia, a dysfibrinogenemia and a hypofibrinogenemia. At a hemorrhagic syndrome of this type there is a deficit II, V and X blood-coagulation factors;
  • Gematomny – arises against the background of hemophilia And yes In, VIII, IX and XI blood-coagulation factors are characterized by deficit. At the patient dysfunction of a musculoskeletal system gradually develops, there are intense painful hemorrhages in soft tissues and joints. After several hours after an injury late bleeding, characteristic of this type of a syndrome, begins;
  • Mikrotsirkulyatorno-gematomny, or mixed – it is typical for the IDCS and an angiohemophilia, often arises at overdose of trombolitik and anticoagulants, heavy deficit of factors of a prothrombin complex, emergence of immune inhibitors of factors of VIII and IX in blood. The mixed hemorrhagic syndrome by a combination in a wall of intestines and retroperitoneal space of separate big hematomas to petekhialno-spotty skin hemorrhages is characterized;
  • Vaskulitno-purpurny – develops against the background of immune and infectious vasculites, it is characterized by development on an inflammatory basis of a hemorrhage in the form of an erythema or rash, accession of intestinal bleeding and nephrite is peculiar to it. This type of a syndrome is easily transformed to the IDCS;
  • Angiomatous – develops in zones of arteriovenous shunts, angiomas and teleangiectasias, formation of the persistent local hemorrhages connected with zones of vascular pathology is peculiar to it.

According to statistical data, the hemorrhagic syndrome at women meets a little more often, than at men.

Hemorrhagic syndrome: reasons and symptoms

Defeat of a vascular wall and its structure, quantity and functions of thrombocytes, and also disturbance of a coagulative hemostasis are the reasons of development of a hemorrhagic syndrome. In one cases of pathology meet often, in others – it is extremely rare that it is important to consider at diagnosis of a disease.

The acquired syndrome form most often develops against the background of a secondary trombotsitopatiya and thrombocytopenia, deficit of factors of a prothrombin complex, the IDCS and a hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Recently development of a hemorrhagic syndrome is more and more often connected with reception of medicines which break aggregation of thrombocytes and coagulability of blood. Also, Vergolf's disease, hemophilia and deficit of a prothrombin can act as the reason of development of a syndrome.

As signs of a syndrome faints, bleedings of various type and degree of complexity, and also bleeding (hemorrhagic diathesis) act.

Hemorrhagic syndrome at newborns

The hemorrhagic syndrome (disease) of newborns is a consequence of insufficient synthesis of factors of the Thrombin index. Because of deficit of vitamin K at children it proceeds in the form of an inborn coagulopathy.

According to statistical data, 20 years ago the hemorrhagic syndrome occurred at newborns in 0,25-0,5% of cases, today universal use in clinical practice of 1 mg of a dose of vitamin K allowed to lower this indicator to 0,01% and less.

Development of a syndrome in newborns can be caused by several factors, namely:

  • Reception by the pregnant woman of antibiotics, anticonvulsant and antitubercular drugs, the anticoagulants of indirect action getting through a placenta;
  • Late applying of the child to a breast, prematurity of the baby, a perinatal hypoxia and long parenteral food;
  • Sprue, use of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity to the child and artificial feeding.

In rare instances the hemorrhagic syndrome at the newborn is shown in the first day of life, more often it develops for 5-7 days.

Diagnosis of a hemorrhagic syndrome

First of all, for confirmation of the diagnosis it is necessary to carry out the developed blood test and urine, the elementary coagulative tests, to carry out calculation of thrombocytes of peripheral blood, according to indications the sternal puncture can be required.

The doctor at diagnosis has to consider duration of bleeding and a blood clotting time, to check it for the content of fibrinogen and a prothrombin, and also to define tolerance (stability) of plasma to heparin.

Prevention and treatment of a hemorrhagic syndrome

For the prevention of development of a syndrome in newborn children it is recommended to carry out the following measures of prevention:

  • Чем опасен геморрагический синдром у новорожденныхTo enter subcutaneously vitamin K to premature babies;
  • To put the newborn child to a breast in the first half an hour after the birth.

Treatment of a hemorrhagic syndrome at babies is done by means of intramuscular administration of vitamin K, and also feeding of the baby the decanted maternal or donor breast milk seven times a day.

Regardless of age of the patient, at development of bleeding the emergency medical service directed to its stop has to be provided. For the warning of development of bleeding to adult patients can appoint reception of the gemostatik increasing coagulability of blood. In an individual order, depending on indications and a condition of the patient, the doctor can appoint the subsequent drug treatment.

The hemorrhagic syndrome at women, men and newborn children is shown as tendency to bleeding of mucous membranes and a skin hemorrhage. The emergency hospitalization and use of the adequate treatment including a bleeding stop, recovery of level of vitamin K in an organism and also use of the medicines increasing coagulability of blood is necessary for patients.

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