Main > Diseases> Hepatitis


The statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) demonstrates that more than 30% of adult population of Earth suffer from these or those diseases of a liver. In Russia similar diseases about 400 000 people claim every year the lives. At the same time the quantity of death from hepatitises, cirrhoses and hepatoses constantly grows.

Симптомы гепатитаIn this article we will talk about a viral hepatitis as they constitute the greatest danger to future generations of residents of our country. The viral hepatitis is a collective name of acute and chronic diseases of a liver. Origins of hepatitises – are various that defines their wide circulation and variety of forms. Regardless of an etiology, symptoms of hepatitis always demonstrate development of inflammatory process in baking of the person. For this reason in the people the disease is often called "jaundice" - on the most characteristic symptom of hepatitises of all types.

Classification of hepatitises

Hepatitis A – the most widespread and least dangerous viral hepatitis. The incubation interval of an infection makes from 7 days to 2 months. Infection occurs through consumption of low-quality food stuffs. Besides, the acute hepatitis And is transmitted through direct contact with things of the sick person and dirty hands. In most cases the infection comes to an end with spontaneous recovery, but sometimes to patients appoint droppers which reduce intensity of toxic impact on a liver.

Hepatitis B – is told through blood, during sexual contacts, at injections by unsterile syringes. This form is very dangerous as it causes strong damages of a liver and is followed by heavy symptoms: temperature increase, increase in a liver and spleen, nausea, vomiting, severe pains in joints. Hepatitis B demands complex treatment in the conditions of a hospital with obligatory use of immune drugs, hormones, antibiotics and gepatoprotektor.

Hepatitis C — one of the most severe forms of a disease which is often leading to cirrhoses, cancer of a liver and, as a result, the death of the patient. The most probable way of infection - through blood during transfusions, but also hepatitis C can be transferred to time of sexual contacts and from sick mother – to a fruit. Incidence and abroad constantly grows in Russia therefore at the diagnosis hepatitis C treatment and prevention assume an integrated approach to a solution, careful control of a condition of donor blood, distribution of evident propaganda among the population. Danger of this form is that hepatitis C is often combined with other forms of a viral hepatitis, and, besides, now there is no effective vaccine which reliably would protect the healthy person from infection.

Hepatitis D – was open and investigated in 1977. Later scientists proved that a viral hepatitis "delta" is a kind of hepatitis B which appears as a result of connection of the main virus strain and the delta agent.

Hepatitis E – symptoms of an infection are similar to hepatitis A symptoms, but at a severe disease there is a defeat not only a liver, but also kidneys. Forecast of treatment practically always favorable. An exception are pregnant women in the third trimester when risk to lose the child approaches 100%. Prevention of hepatitis E is similar to the preventive events held against hepatitis A.

Acute and chronic hepatitis

Acute form of a disease the most typical for all viral hepatitis. At patients are noted: deterioration in health, the expressed organism intoxication, an abnormal liver function, development of jaundice, increase in amount of bilirubin and transaminase in blood. At adequate and timely treatment the acute hepatitis comes to an end with an absolute recovery of the patient.

If the disease lasts more 6th month, then the diagnosis chronic hepatitis is made to the patient. This form is followed by heavy symptoms (astenovegetativny frustration, increase in a liver and spleen, disturbance of exchange processes) and often leads to liver cirrhoses, development of malignant tumors. Human life is under the threat when chronic hepatitis which symptoms demonstrate damage of vitals is aggravated with the wrong treatment reduced by immunity, alcohol addiction.

Symptoms of hepatitis and clinical picture of development of an infection

One of the most characteristic symptoms of hepatitis – jaundice. It arises while the bile produced by a liver gets to blood of the person and extends on all body, giving to skin a yellowish shade. Let's notice also that some forms of a disease proceed without jaundice therefore the most reliable way of diagnosis of a virus is the laboratory analysis on hepatitis.

General symptoms of hepatitis:

  • temperature increase;
  • change of a xanthopathy;
  • headache;
  • ache in joints;
  • febricula;
  • in certain cases – emergence of an enanthesis;
  • loss of appetite.

Intensity of symptoms depends on an infection form. Hepatitis A is characterized by a rapid current therefore symptoms of hepatitis are brightly expressed and progress literally in several hours. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C develop gradually. At initial stages they can be limited to weakness and a loss of appetite, and pains, nausea, vomiting, darkening of urine and other symptoms develop only in several days. Let's notice also that after emergence of jaundice the condition of the patient usually improves. An exception is hepatitis C at which process of a necrosis of tissues of liver most often has chronic character.

In certain cases at patients the so-called fulminant acute hepatitis develops. It is extremely severe form of a disease at which mass dying off of fabrics and extremely bystry development of symptoms is observed. In the absence of treatment such acute hepatitis comes to an end with the death of the person.

At synchronization symptoms of hepatitis change. Symptoms of a disease are changeable because of what many people do not pay them due attention. It is the wrong approach. It is necessary to see a doctor in all cases when there are bases to suspect chronic hepatitis. Usually it is followed:

  • constant indisposition and feeling of weakness which amplifies by the end of day;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • joint and muscular pains;
  • pains in a stomach;
  • urine darkening;
  • skin itch;
  • weight loss;
  • bleeding.

Above-mentioned symptoms are the undoubted basis for the appeal to clinic where doctors have to carry out the analysis on hepatitis, define the exact reason of emergence of the unpleasant phenomena and to appoint adequate treatment.

Complications at hepatitis

Both acute, and chronic hepatitis can be led to very serious effects. Among them It should be noted especially:

  • inflammatory diseases of bilious ways;
  • hepatic coma (comes to an end with death in 90% of cases);
  • cirrhosis – arises at 20% of patients with a viral hepatitis. Most often leads hepatitis B and its derivative forms to cirrhosis;
  • liver cancer;
  • expansion of blood vessels and subsequent internal bleedings;
  • accumulation of liquid in an abdominal cavity – ascites.

The greatest number of heavy complications gives hepatitis C in a chronic stage of development. The problem is aggravated with lack of effective methods of treatment of this form therefore at any adverse symptoms of people has to see a doctor surely. You should not neglect a visit to clinic, it is quite possible that timely appointed treatment will keep not only health, but also the patient's life.

The hepatitis A, B, C – treatment and forecasts

Интерферон альфа незаменим при лечении гепатита bTreatment of hepatitis A is based on performing basic therapy, observance of a bed rest and rigid diet. In the presence of indications to patients symptomatic and disintoxication therapy is appointed (intravenously or orally). In the majority a case the viral hepatitis And recovers without special problems and has no serious complications.

The similar situation is observed also in a case with an infection V-form. At adequate treatment hepatitis B comes to an end with an absolute recovery of the patient in 80% of cases. It is very important not to allow transition of a disease to a chronic form which often is followed by development of cirrhoses. The patient appoints basic therapy, administration of drugs, improving exchange processes, in the presence of indications – antiviral therapy (recombinant interferon an alpha). Hepatitis b demands prolonged treatment. In some situations there is a need for repeated courses of therapy.

Hepatitis C often passes into a chronic form and causes development of cirrhoses and cancer of a liver in every 7th patient. Respectively, at the diagnosis hepatitis about treatment pursues two important aims:

  • to reduce intensity of inflammatory processes in a liver to reduce risk of developing of cirrhosis;
  • to eliminate a virus from an organism (in whole or in part). The priority direction besides is work with a liver.

The main technique of treatment means interferon use an alpha. This drug prevents emergence of the new infected cells, but has side effects (temperature, weakness, a loss of appetite) which pass through 1,5-2 weeks after the beginning of a course. Let's notice that interferon the alpha does not guarantee full disposal of hepatitis C, however, it reduces risk of development of cirrhoses and increases quality of life. For increase in positive effect drug is used in combination with ribaviriny.

After the end of treatment the patient has to take every month a blood test for early detection of signs of a repeated inflammation of a liver.

Prevention of hepatitis

That acute or chronic hepatitis did not become for you a reality, it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules:

  • not to drink not boiled water;
  • always to wash fruit and vegetables;
  • to wash hands before food;
  • not to use personal care products together with other people;
  • it is just in case regular to make the test on hepatitis for early detection of an infection;
  • to refrain from piercing and tattoos;
  • to be careful when using syringes and needles (it is urgent for the people doing drugs);
  • to carefully choose the sexual partner;
  • in time to undergo vaccination.

Whether you know that:

During sneezing our organism completely stops working. Even heart stops.