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Calcium hydroxide

Calcium hydroxide or as it is traditionally called by extinguished lime or "pushonka", represents inorganic compound with a chemical formula Ca (OH) 2.

ReceivingГидроксид кальция – белый порошок без запаха calcium hydroxide in industrial scale is possible by mixing of calcium oxide with water, this process is called clearing.

In vitro receiving calcium hydroxide is possible by mixing of aqueous solution of calcium chloride and sodium hydroxide. In a mineral form calcium hydroxide contains in some volcanic, deep and metamorphic breeds. Also receiving calcium hydroxide happens at combustion of coal.

Many calcium hydroxide contains in aggressive water which is capable to dissolve rocks.

Calcium hydroxide use

Calcium hydroxide was widely used in production of such construction materials as bleached, plaster and plaster solutions. It is used as inexpensive substitute of alkali in the form of suspensions (limy milk) which are used on tanneries for removal of hair from skins, and also in production of sugar and for whitewashing of trunks of trees.

Lime water represents saturated aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide of white color. Antiacid properties of calcium hydroxide are used in medicine for treatment of acid burns.
Useful property of calcium hydroxide is its ability to act as the flocculant purifying sewage of the weighed and colloid particles. It is also used for increase рН waters as water contains the acids capable to subject sanitary pipes of corrosion in an initial look.

Also calcium hydroxide is widely applied in such industries as:

  • Road construction – for improvement of quality of the earth soil;
  • Production of metals – calcium hydroxide is entered into a flow of exhaust gas to neutralize acids, such as fluorides and chlorides before release in the atmosphere;
  • In oil-processing industry – for production of additives to oils;
  • In chemical industry – for production of calcium stearate;
  • In the petrochemical industry – for production of solid oils of various types;
  • Production of anti-fungal and antimicrobic preservatives – for storage of vegetables in hangars.

Calcium hydroxide is used as additive in sea water for reduction of atmospheric CO2 and mitigation of greenhouse effect.

Also calcium hydroxide is used as a natural alternative of insecticides, effective in fight against ticks, fleas, bugs and their faces.

In construction calcium hydroxide is used for whitewashing of wooden fences and an obmazyvaniya of rafters to protect materials from rotting and ignition, and also for preparation of silicate concrete and limy construction solution.

Calcium hydroxide also takes part in processes of production of ebonite, chloric lime, tank mixes, depilations creams and brake slips.

Property of calcium hydroxide to reduce the specific resistance of soil is used at the device of the centers of grounding for electrical equipment.

In stomatology calcium hydroxide is applied as the disinfector to root root canals.

In the food industry calcium hydroxide is much used as E526 nutritional supplement which is added by production:

  • Sugarcane;
  • Alcoholic and soft drinks;
  • Energetikov;
  • Fruit juice;
  • Baby food;
  • Pickles;
  • Edible salt;
  • Confectionery and sweets;
  • Cocoa products;
  • Corn flat cakes;
  • Flour products and pastries.

Spain uses calcium hydroxide for preparation of a hominy as consider that it promotes the best assimilation of a dish.

Radical Гидроксид кальция в упаковкеtribes of the American Indians use calcium hydroxide as ingredient for the psychodelic tobacco to Yap received from seeds of bean trees of a type of Anadenanter.

In Afghanistan calcium hydroxide is used in production of the tobacco Nisvar made of fresh leaves of tobacco, indigotin, cardamom, menthol, oil, calcium hydroxide and wood ashes. Residents of Afghanistan also use calcium hydroxide as paint for the glinobetonny houses. In the world such countries as Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sweden and Norway are considered as the largest consumers of calcium hydroxide.

Properties of calcium hydroxide

Calcium hydroxide – colourless crystals or inodorous white powder which when heating to 580 °C break up to calcium oxide and water.

The molar mass of calcium hydroxide makes 74,093 g/mol, density of 2,211 g/cm3, solubility in water of 0,189 g / 100 ml, acidity (rka) 12.4, index of refraction 1,574.

Calcium hydroxide is not dissolved in alcohol.

Harm of calcium hydroxide

At hit of calcium hydroxide on skin there is a strong irritation, an itch, corrosive burns and a necrosis of skin.

At the accidental use of calcium hydroxide inside there is severe pain in a throat, burning in a mouth, an abdominal pain, vomiting, a bloody chair and falling of arterial pressure. Also there is an increase рН blood, it becomes too alkaline that can cause an internal injury.

At calcium hydroxide powder inhalation through a nose or a mouth there is a swelling of a throat which can limit breath or make it difficult. If particles of calcium hydroxide get into lungs, emergency medical service is necessary.

At hit of calcium hydroxide in eyes there is a sight loss accompanied with severe pain.

First aid at poisoning with calcium hydroxide

If calcium hydroxide was is used inside it is necessary to drink a glass of water or milk.

At hit of calcium hydroxide on skin or eyes it is necessary to wash out carefully affected areas of skin and eye a large amount of water within not less than 15 minutes.

At inhalation of calcium hydroxide it is necessary to move immediately to fresh air and to call the ambulance.

Whether you know that:

The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.