Main > Diseases> Hygroma


Short characteristic of a disease

Гигрома кисти

The hygroma is an opukholepodobny education (cyst) under skin in the form of the cavity filled with liquid. It resembles the ball which is tired out under skin superficially. The most widespread types of this disease - a hygroma of a brush and a hygroma of a joint.

The hygroma of a brush appears under skin on brushes, a thicket in a radiocarpal joint, but can meet on palms.

The hygroma of a joint is localized in synovial bags of joints – radiocarpal, talocrural, knee, manual.

Hygroma origins

Generally developing of a disease is connected with constants and the same exercise stresses on joints and sinews why it is called still occupational disease of the people performing hands the repeating operations: athletes, musicians, needlewomen, secretaries, for example. The disease can develop and as a complication after injuries, a bursitis or a tendovaginitis. Many cases when the hygroma arose in itself, without the visible and powerful reasons are also known.

Hygroma symptoms

In size of a hygroma happen different – from one to six centimeters in the diameter.

The disease often asymptomatically proceeds, but emergence of painful feelings at load of the affected joints and sinews is possible, when pressing on a cyst and in cases when it reached the big sizes.

Diagnosis of a hygroma

At visual survey of education under skin, externally similar to a hygroma of a brush or a hygroma of a joint the doctor has to estimate his size, a form and it is correct to identify, having excluded other tumoral diseases, abscess and aneurism of arteries. In some cases for more detailed analysis carry out a liquid puncture fence from a hygroma and x-ray inspection.

Treatment of a hygroma

At the very beginning of a disease and at the small sizes of a hygroma treatment can be carried out by means of local paraffin and mud applications, physiotherapeutic procedures.

If topical treatment did not bring desirable results or the cyst reached the big sizes, appoint the procedure of removal of a hygroma. It can be carried out by two ways:

  • operative measure;
  • laser destruction of a hygroma (it is carried out without damage of the next fabrics);

Practice and the mixed treatment – open education in the surgical way, and carry out further treatment by means of medicines. Quite often it occurs at hygroma contents suppuration which after its opening is sucked away, and the formed wound is cleaned and drained.

Удаление гигромы

Opening and removal of a hygroma is carried out usually under a local anesthesia, operation lasts about 20-30 min. Seams can be removed already through 7-10 дн. If a hygroma big or its location difficult, the decision on carrying out operation on removal of a hygroma under the general anesthesia is sometimes made.

The correct and effective method of treatment can be chosen only after its survey by the qualified doctor.

It is unsafe to conduct treatment of a hygroma independently and to try to crush it. It leads to cyst contents pouring out in fabric, and, as a result – to their suppuration, an inflammation. In most cases, after such treatment the hygroma is recovered and is even split up for smaller educations.

Prevention of a hygroma

For prevention of developing of a disease constant traumatism needs to subject as little as possible joints, sinews and fabrics over them, it is correct to distribute load of extremities. It is possible to practice binding of joints, sinews elastic hard bandages.

It is also necessary to pay attention in time and to treat injuries and diseases which can provoke a hygroma, wear convenient shoes and correctly picked up prostheses.

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