Hyperactivity syndrome – frustration which is most often shown at children of preschool and early school age. In the sixties the twentieth century doctors called a hyperactivity the morbid condition of a brain connected with disorders of separate functions of a brain. In the eighties an excessive physical activity began to be called "a syndrome of disturbance (deficit) of attention with a hyperactivity" (SDVG). Complications of a course of pregnancy or childbirth, the wrong way of life of the woman during pregnancy can be provocative factors for development of a syndrome of a hyperactivity.
At a hyperactivity it is very difficult to children to concentrate the attention and to control behavior. The hyperactivity syndrome in 1845 for the first time was described by doctor Heinrich Hoffman. According to researches, from 2 to 20% of children suffer from this frustration. The syndrome of a hyperactivity occurs at boys by four-five times more often than at girls.
Such children at any situation aimlessly move on the street, run and not for long hold attention on specific objects. The brain of the hyperactive child very badly processes information, internal and external stimuluses. The inattentive child is not affected by requests, arrangements and punishments. Under any conditions the child will be inattentive and impulsive. To understand how it is correct to behave with the hyperactive child, it is necessary to find out an actual reason of this frustration.
Usually hyperactivity symptoms at children for the first time appear at the age of two-three years. However most often parents bring the child on appointment when he already starts going to school. Symptoms of hyperactive behavior at the child are usually shown in restlessness, fussiness, concern, impulsiveness, emotional instability, tearfulness. The child ignores the standard rules and standards of behavior. At a hyperactivity the speech arrest of development is also quite often observed, sometimes there are problems with a dream.
It is very difficult for hyperactive children to sit quietly at a table during a school lesson or a lunch. They fidget or coil on chairs, all touch, stupnyam twirl. Such children quite often try to do at the same time several things. At the same time they seldom think before making something. Because of excessive impulsiveness children are capable to show impetuously the emotions and not to consider at the same time effects of such behavior. The teenager, being hyperactive, usually chooses the business bringing immediate, though small return. Impulsiveness often prevents to wait for result in something.
Each listed above symptom – a reason for the address to the doctor. The doctor will tell how to fight against a hyperactivity how to help the child to adapt with society.
The dignostic of a hyperactivity is based on collecting the subjective information, carrying out hardware and psychological inspection. On reception the doctor is interested in features of a course of pregnancy and childbirth. The specialist asks on diseases which the child had. Further the doctor suggests the child to perform special tasks (tests). By results of tests he estimates attentiveness parameters. Hardware inspection consists in carrying out an elektroentsefalografichesky research and a magnetic and resonant tomography. Hardware inspection allows to reveal changes in a brain by registration of electric potentials. By the received results the corresponding treatment of a hyperactivity is appointed further.
Drugs for treatment of a hyperactivity help children with everyday life. For the choice of the correct medicine and the correct dose it is necessary to consult with the attending physician. At many children drugs for treatment of a hyperactivity reduce impulsiveness, improve ability to study and work. Drugs do not treat a hyperactivity. They just control hyperactivity symptoms only that day when they were accepted. Medicines are capable to improve the coordination of movements necessary in sport and by the letter.
For correction of a hyperactivity at communication with the hyperactive child it is necessary to build offers so that there was no denial. At emergence of any conflict situation it is necessary to try to keep calm. For correction of a hyperactivity at children all tasks need to be designated as much as possible accurately. At communication with the child it is necessary not to use long formulations. During the conversation with the child it is necessary to try to apply short offers and not to use long formulations. All instructions should be given to the kid in the logical sequence. It is impossible to give several instructions at the same time at all. Hyperactive children badly feel time therefore before feeding or leaving from walk it is necessary to warn the child about it in five-ten minutes. The child needs to feel that parents will always support him and will help to cope with difficulties at school or a garden.
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