Main > Diseases> Hyperglycemia


The hyperglycemia is the clinical symptom meaning the increased or excess content in blood serum of sugar (glucose). At norm of 3.3-5.5 mmol/l in blood of the patient with a hyperglycemia the content of sugar exceeds 6-7 mmol/l.Гипергликемия - повышенное содержание в крови глюкозы

At substantial increase of level of glucose in blood (to 16.5 mmol/l and more) the probability of precoma or even a coma is high.

Hyperglycemia: symptoms

It is very important to define the beginning of sharp increase in level of sugar in blood timely to take measures for its decrease or stabilization, for this purpose it is necessary to know that hyperglycemia symptoms the following:

  • Sudden strong feeling of thirst;
  • Unsatiable feeling of hunger, the increased appetite;
  • Frequent desires to an urination;
  • Deterioration in sight, emergence before eyes of a veil and front sights;
  • Increased fatigue and constant fatigue;
  • The exhausting headache, decrease in concentration of attention;
  • Fever, perspiration, xeroderma, numbness of lips;
  • Acetone smell from a mouth;
  • Unmotivated irritability.

Existence of one or more of above-mentioned signs can demonstrate approach of a hyperglycemia. Seldom or never the hyperglycemia comes asymptomatically.

Hyperglycemia: reasons

The hyperglycemia happens temporary and long.

The reasons of a hyperglycemia temporary can become:

  • Overconsumption of carbohydrates;
  • The pain syndromes which are followed by essential increase in emission in blood of thyroxine and adrenaline;
  • Stresses and surges in emotions;
  • Excessive allocation in blood of counterinsulin hormones (it is glucogenic, adrenaline);
  • Hyperplasia of bark of adrenal glands (steroid diabetes);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypovitaminosis of vitamins C, B1;
  • Plentiful blood loss;
  • Poisoning with carbon oxides.

The reason of a hyperglycemia long or, so-called, resistant, is disturbance of neuroendocrine regulation in carbohydrate metabolism.

The help at a hyperglycemia

The diabetes mellitus, and, as a result and a hyperglycemia, with an improbable speed extends on the world, it is even called a pandemic of 21 centuries. For this reason it is necessary to know how correctly and effectively to give help at a hyperglycemia. So, in case of an attack:

  • For neutralization of a hyperoxemia in a stomach it is necessary to eat many fruit and vegetables, in large numbers to drink alkaline mineral water with sodium, calcium, but categorically not to give chlorine-containing mineral water. Solution 1-2 of teaspoons of soda on a glass of water orally or an enema will help;Инсулиновые инъекции - препарат для лечения гипергликемии
  • To bring acetone out of an organism, solution of soda it is necessary to wash out a stomach;
  • It is constant to wipe with a wet towel skin, especially in wrists, under knees, a neck and a forehead. The organism is dehydrated, and it needs liquid completion;
  • Insulin-dependent patients should make sugar measurement and if this indicator is higher than 14 mmol/l, urgently to give an injection of insulin and to provide plentiful drink. Then to carry out such measurement each two hours and to do insulin injections before normalization of indicators of sugar in blood.

Having received first aid at a hyperglycemia, the patient at any outcome has to address to medical institution, make a complex of analyses and receive personally appointed treatment.

Hyperglycemia: treatment

The majority of cases of treatment of a hyperglycemia provides insulin injections for decrease in an indicator of sugar in blood serum, treatment of the basic disease which caused a hyperglycemia, for example, of a diabetes mellitus, and the general desintoxication of an organism with infusional administration of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins for alignment of acid-base balance.

If the hyperglycemia is diagnosed for the patient more than three days in a row, the individual scheme of treatment including not only medical supplies and appointments, but also recommendations about the mode of rest and work, to a diet and a diet is formed.

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