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Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) – the endocrine syndrome (a clinical state) caused by too active production of thyroid hormones of thyroxine (T3) and triiodothyronine (T4) a thyroid gland. The hormones produced by a thyroid gland are the main coordinators of work of an organism and regulate consumption of heat and production of oxygen. The blood oversaturated by hormones carries them on all bodies, fabrics and systems, causing acceleration of processes.

Гипертиреоз стандартно является результатом различных патологий щитовидной железыThe hyperthyroidism standardly is result of various pathologies of a thyroid gland which can be caused as disturbances directly in gland, and in processes which it regulates. The hyperthyroidism on the level of dysfunction of a thyroid gland happens primary (pathology of a thyroid gland), secondary (hypophysis pathology) and tertiary (hypothalamus pathology).

Persons with autoimmune pathology, genetic predisposition and young women are most often subject to a hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism symptoms

Symptoms of a hyperthyroidism are caused by acceleration of all processes in an organism and are shown by the strengthened work of systems and human organs. Manifestation of symptoms of a hyperthyroidism depends on weight and duration of a disease, and also on degree of a prevalence of bodies, systems or fabrics. Excess of the hormones produced by a thyroid gland as follows influences a human body:

  • Central nervous system. Hypererethism, emotional instability, irritability, causeless concern, fear, fluent speech, sleep disorders, trembling of hands;
  • Cardiovascular system. Disturbance of a cordial rhythm – the persistent sinus tachycardia which is badly giving in to treatment, blinking and an atrial flutter. Increase in a gap between values of upper and lower indications of pressure due to increase in systolic and simultaneous decrease in diastolic arterial pressure. Increase of pulse, increase in volume and linear speed of blood circulation. Heart failure;
  • Ophthalmology. Increase in a palpebral fissure, anteposition, protrusion of an eyeglobe with restriction of its mobility – an exophthalmos. A rare blinking, bifurcation of objects, the century swelled. The raised xerophthalmus, a cornea erosion, gripes in eyes, lachrymation is noted. Total loss of sight can become result of squeezing and dystrophy of an optic nerve;
  • Digestive tract. Increase or a loss of appetite, at patients of advanced age – before full refusal of food. Disturbances of digestion and bilification, pristupoobrazny abdominal pains, frequent liquid chair;
  • Musculoskeletal system. A thyrocardiac myopathy – a hypotrophy of muscles, the increased muscular fatigue, chronic weakness and trembling of a body and extremities, the broken physical activity, osteoporosis. As a result there are difficulties at long walking, especially on ladders, complexity when carrying weights, development of reversible thyrocardiac muscular paralysis is possible;
  • Respiratory organs. Vital capacity of lungs decreases as a result of developments of stagnation and hypostases, persistent short wind forms;
  • Sexual sphere. Disturbance of secretion of female and men's gonadotrophins which consequence infertility can be. At men the gynecomastia develops, decrease in a potentiality is observed, women have failures in a menstrual cycle, (the periods irregular, painful, allocations scanty, are followed by a severe headache, the general weakness to faints);
  • Metabolism. Metabolism acceleration – reduction of weight, despite the increased appetite, development of thyrogenic diabetes, increase in heat production (the increased temperature, perspiration). As result of the accelerated disintegration of cortisol – insufficiency of adrenal glands. Increase in a liver, at hard cases of a hyperthyroidism – jaundice. Strong thirst, a frequent and plentiful urination (polyuria) owing to disturbance of water exchange. Thinning of skin, hair, nails, early strong gray hair, hypostases of soft tissues.

Hyperthyroidism symptoms at its existence can be absent at people of advanced age – the so-called disguised or hidden hyperthyroidism. Frequent depressions, block, drowsiness, weakness – typical reaction of an organism of elderly people to excess of thyroid hormones. Disturbance of work of cardiovascular system at people of advanced age at a hyperthyroidism is noted much more more often than at young people.

Hyperthyroidism signs

Mark out three severity of a disease which is not depending on the sizes of a thyroid gland which divide on hyperthyroidism symptoms. Easy degree of a hyperthyroidism, signs:

  • At suralimentation – decrease in body weight to 5 kg;
  • Constant tachycardia, the speeded-up pulse of 80-100 blows/min.;
  • Perspiration, even in cool rooms;
  • Irritability;
  • The laboratory blood analysis on hormones reveals the increased level of contents T3, T4.

Average degree of a hyperthyroidism, signs:

  • At suralimentation – decrease in body weight to 10 kg;
  • Pathological changes in a myocardium, pulse rate of 100-120 blows/min.;
  • Exophthalmos;
  • Hyperhidrosis generalized (general);
  • Acrimony, excitability, uneasiness, tearfulness, sleep disorders;
  • Small trembling of fingers of an outstretched arm – a thyrocardiac tremor.

Severe form of a hyperthyroidism, signs:

  • Sharp loss of weight;
  • Steady tachycardia, pulse of 120-140 blows/min. and above;
  • Explicit disturbance of a cordial rhythm, heart failure;
  • Arterial pressure – increase in systolic pressure with simultaneous decrease diastolic;
  • Sharply expressed exophthalmos;
  • The strong thyrocardiac tremor extending to all body.

The disease on existence of signs of a hyperthyroidism and by results of researches is diagnosed.

Выделяют три степени тяжести гипертиреоза, не зависящие от размеров щитовидной железыIt is necessary to make:

  • Blood test on the quantitative content of hormones;
  • Ultrasonography and KT of a thyroid gland – for determination of its sizes and existence of nodular educations;
  • ECG – for definition of deviations in functioning of cardiovascular system;
  • Radio isotope stsintigrafiya – for assessment of functional activity of a thyroid gland and definition of nodular educations.

In case of need appoint a biopsy of nodes. By results of inspection the attending physician draws up hyperthyroidism treatment planning.

Treatment of a hyperthyroidism

In modern medical practice there are several methods of treatment of a hyperthyroidism:

  • Medicamentous (conservative) therapy;
  • Operational removal of a thyroid gland or its part;
  • Radioiodine therapy.

Methods of treatment of a hyperthyroidism are applied separately or is combined. The endocrinologist chooses how to treat the patient, considering his age, the disease which caused a hyperthyroidism and degree of its weight, specific features of an organism and associated diseases. The important role both in treatment of a hyperthyroidism, and in the rehabilitation period, is allocated for a diet and balneotherapy. Once in half a year is recommended a sanatorium course of treatment of a hyperthyroidism with emphasis on cardiovascular diseases.

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