Application instruction:
Ibufenum – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NPVS).
Dosage form – suspension for intake: orange color, with an orange smell, division into a liquid layer and a deposit (after agitation they mix up and make homogeneous suspension) is possible (on 100 g in dark glass bottles, in a cardboard pack 1 bottle complete with a measured spoon; on 100 g in plastic bottles, in a cardboard pack 1 bottle complete with the dosing syringe).
Active ingredient: an ibuprofen, in 5 ml of suspension – 100 mg.
Additional substances: a macrogoal глицерилгидроксистеарат, methylparahydroxybenzoate, phosphate sodium a dihydrate, глицерол, sucrose, a karmelloza of sodium, sodium saccharinate, пропилпарагидроксибензоат, aluminum magnesium silicate (вээгум), кросповидон, propylene glycol, citric acid monohydrate, dye a sunset yellow (E110), fragrance orange, the water purified.
Ibufenum is applied to treatment of children.
As an antipyretic:
As anesthetic at a pain syndrome of various origin of weak and moderate intensity:
Drug is intended for symptomatic therapy, it reduces pain and an inflammation during its use, does not render on progressing of a disease of influence.
Relative (at the following diseases / states treatment of Ibufenum should be carried out with extra care in connection with risk of development of complications):
Ibufenum should be accepted inside, after food. Just before reception the bottle should be shaken up. For exact dosing in a set the measured spoon or the syringe is applied.
The single dose makes 5-10 mg on each kilogram of body weight. Frequency rate of reception – to 4 times in bucketed days 6-8 hours. The most admissible daily dose – 20-30 mg/kg.
The recommended dosing modes depending on age and the child's weight:
Children aged from 3 up to 6 months Ibufenum can give only to destination the attending physician. The daily dose for them should not exceed 5 ml of suspension. At postvaccinal reactions appoint 2,5 ml, in 6 hours – 2,5 more ml.
Duration of use of drug depending on indications: decrease in the increased body temperature – up to 3 days, stopping of a pain syndrome – no more than 5 days.
Use of Ibufenum complete with the measured syringe:
At prolonged use of Ibufenum it is necessary to control a pattern of peripheral blood, a functional condition of kidneys and a liver.
At bronchial asthma or other diseases which can be followed by a bronchospasm the ibuprofen can cause development of a bronchospasm. For this reason at these patients drug has to be used only with respect for big care. In case of difficulty of breath it is necessary to see a doctor urgently.
For the prevention of development of the NPVS-gastropathy Ibufenum is recommended to be combined with prostaglandin E drugs (for example, mizoprostoly). At emergence of symptoms of a disease the careful control of a condition of the patient including the analysis a calla on the occult blood, blood test with definition of hemoglobin and a hematocrit, carrying out an ezofagogastroduodenoskopiya is necessary.
For decrease in risk of development of side effects from digestive tract Ibufenum should be accepted in a minimal effective dose during minimum possible short period.
Patients who are directed to a research on definition of 17 ketosteroids in 48 hours should cancel an ibuprofen.
During treatment it is recommended to avoid administration of drugs, containing ethanol, and also performance of the tasks requiring special attention and speed of reactions.
Sick diabetes mellitus it is necessary to consider that 1 ml of suspension contains about 0,34 g of sucrose or about 0,03 HE. Thus, the minimum single dose of Ibufenum (2,5 ml) contains 0,85 g of sucrose (0,075 XE), in the maximum single dose (15 ml) – 5,13 g of sucrose (0,45 XE).
To store at a temperature up to 25 ºС in the place protected from light unavailable to children.
Period of validity – 3 years, after the first opening of a bottle – 6 months.
The well-known drug "Viagra" was initially developed for treatment of an arterial hypertension.
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