Main > Diseases> Iyersinioz


General characteristic of a disease

Иерсиоз - инфекционное заболеваниеIyersinioz – an infectious disease of which the preferential gastrointestinal tract disease, and also generalized damage of skin, joints, other systems and bodies is characteristic.

As this disease affects first of all the digestive channel, it is called still an intestinal iyersinioz.

The infestant is the representative of family of colibacilli of a type of Yersinia enterocolitica. These microorganisms show extreme resistance to low temperatures, including to freezing, however quickly perish at a temperature exceeding 600C, especially at boiling.

Besides, iyersiniya excellently feel at a temperature from +4 to + 80C, breeding on foodstuff for this reason иерсиниоз often call "a refrigerator disease".

As infection carriers in the wild nature small rodents act, however for the person big danger is constituted by small cattle and cows who are capable to allocate the activator. Most often iyersiniya get into a human body through food stuffs, especially fresh vegetables. However in addition to food stuffs and water, a source of infection is also already infected person as иерсиниоз it is transferred also in the contact way (the fecal and oral mechanism).

The risk to catch this infection exists for all age groups, however it is most often possible to observe иерсиниоз at children aged from 1 up to 3 years. Autumn and spring seasonality is characteristic of this disease.

Symptoms of an iyersinioz

The incubation interval usually lasts 1-2 days, however in certain cases can proceed up to 10 days. Symptoms of an iyersinioz in many respects remind a gastroenteritis, a gastroenterocolitis, a coloenteritis, a terminal ileitis.

Are characteristic of an intestinal iyersinioz an abdominal pain which can have constant or skhvatkoobrazny character, vomiting, nausea, a fetid diarrhea. The chair during a disease can be from 2 to 15 times a day, with impurity of pus, slime, and sometimes and blood.

Symptoms of an iyersinioz, in addition to damage of intestines, testify also to the general intoxication of an organism – increase or fall of temperature, dehydration, toxicosis. To start a disease emergence of melkopyatnisty or dot rash on extremities and a trunk is in certain cases characteristic, also during this period of an iyersinioz the meningeal syndrome and damage of a liver can be observed.

Development of such diseases as knotty erythema, mono - or polyarthritis, an iritis, conjunctivitis, myocarditis, a syndrome of Reuters is characteristic of later period of this infection.

Intestinal иерсиниоз can last from one week to several months.

Diagnosis and treatment of an iyersinioz

It is possible to find iyersiniya by means of the laboratory equipment in Calais and urine of the sick person, and in special cases – in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, bile, a phlegm, pus from abscesses. It is possible to diagnose intestinal иерсиниоз also by means of detection of antibodies to the activator which usually appear for the 7th days after infection. However it is not excluded that the immune response can be poorly expressed or at all be absent therefore antibodies will not be revealed. With confidence it is possible to speak about infection iyersiniozy in case of detection of antigens of the activator or its DNA in blood or Calais.

Treatment of an iyersinioz, as well as other intestinal infections, assumes disintoxication therapy, and also completion of the lost liquid. Antibacterial therapy also is obligatory at treatment of an iyersinioz. Causative agents of this disease are, as a rule, sensitive to levomycetinum, tetracyclines, Biseptolum. If these drugs were inefficient, appoint ftorkhinola (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin), and also intramuscular injections of gentamycin.

After body temperature is normalized, treatment of an iyersinioz of an anibiotikama is carried out within 10 days.

In a situation when symptoms of a disease remain, and there are no activators in an organism any more, apply corticosteroids which action is directed to suppression of an immune response. At development of arthritises against the background of infection with iyersiniya appoint such non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as aspirin, Voltarenum, diclofenac, an ibuprofen.

Иерсиоз у детей имеет некоторые особенности клинической картины заболеванияIntestinal иерсиниоз at children

In spite of the fact that in most cases иерсиниоз at children has symptoms, typical for this infection, this age category has some features of a clinical picture of a disease. In - the first, such symptoms of an infection as intoxication, the increased temperature, fever have more expressed character, than at adults. Secondly, children during a disease become adynamic, uneasy, the loss of consciousness, spasms, hemodynamic frustration is possible. Especially hard proceeds иерсиниоз at children of the first year of life: dehydration is observed, lymph nodes, a spleen increase, the respiratory syndrome is shown.

Prevention of an iyersinioz

The disease иеросиниоз is possible to warn if to follow the rules of storage and processing of foodstuff:

  • crude vegetables and fruit before the use need to be washed up well warm water, to remove the begun to rot sites then to scald boiled water;
  • not to store and not to use products which period of validity already expired;
  • it is necessary to eat only freshly cooked salads;
  • meat, especially pork, it is necessary to subject to long heat treatment;
  • it is impossible to store in water the peeled vegetables, including in the refrigerator.

Prevention of an intestinal iyersinioz assumes early detection the infected people and their isolation, and also disinfection of rooms.

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The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.