Main > Drugs> Inulin


Таблетки ИнулинInulin – the dietary supplement applied to recovery of intestinal microflora, normalization of lipidic exchange and work of a liver.

Form of release and structure

Inulin is produced in the following forms:

  • Tablets on 0,5 g;
  • Powder or crystals.

Structure – 100% native (unmodified, being in a natural state, kept the structure inherent in it in living cell) inulin, including:

  • Inulin – 95%;
  • Fructose – 1%;
  • Oligofructose – 2%;
  • Proteins – 2%;
  • Fats – 0%.

Energy value of 100 g of Inulin – 110 kcal.

Indications to use

Prebiotic Inulin as the means which is well influencing an organism (thanks to selective activation of life activity and growth of useful microflora of a large intestine), is recommended to reception at the following diseases / states:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Chronic colitis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Cholecystitises, chronic hepatitises;
  • Disturbances of lipidic exchange;
  • Cancer of a large intestine (for prevention).


Individual hypersensitivity to dietary supplement components.

Route of administration and dosage

Pill is taken inside, for half an hour to food.

The recommended dosing mode: on 1-2tablet 3-4 times a day.

On a full course of therapy 3 bottles of Inulin are necessary. Between courses it is necessary to do a break 1-2 months.

Powder or crystals dissolve in a glass of liquid (juice, kefir, water, etc.).

Accept during food on 1 teaspoon, frequency rate of reception – 1-3 times a day.

Side effects

Side effects from Inulin use usually are not observed even at long reception.

Special instructions

Inulin is not medicine, it treats foodstuff of dietary and treatment-and-prophylactic food. Is prebiotic, it is not adsorbed in upper parts of a digestive tract.

Before reception it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Medicinal interaction

Information on interaction of Inulin with other medicines is absent.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the place, dark, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 20-25 °C.

Period of validity:

  • Tablets – 2 years;
  • Powder, granules – 1,5 years.
Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.