Main > Food stuffs> Mespilus


Mespilus ordinary – a bush of family of a rose family, with the dark blue or purple roundish fruits similar to small apples with juicy and sweet pulp, a gentle thin skin.

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The mespilus bears fruits every year, in July-August, blossoms in April-May. The crop is reaped parts since fruits gradually ripen. It is better to collect leaves in the medical purposes in May, and bark – in the fall.

Grow up also such grades of a mespilus: Canadian, blood-red, olkholistny, smooth, eared, Lamarck's mespilus which differ in color of leaves and fruits, productivity.

Depending on a grade the mespilus at good leaving can give 5-10 kilograms of fruits.

Caloric content of berries of a mespilus ordinary – there are no 45 calories, fats and proteins in them, carbohydrates in 100 g of fruits – 12 g.

Useful properties of a mespilus are caused by structure of berries: they contain malic acid, sugar, vitamins C, In, And, sterols, tannins, flavanols, coumarins, copper, cobalt, lead, pectins, carotene.

Use of a mespilus

The mespilus is a good means for treatment of avitaminosis, it is regularly desirable to use it for prevention of cold and flu. Use a mespilus in the dry, fresh, frozen view, from it cook compote and jam.

As enveloping and astringent use broth from leaves and bark of a mespilus: take one part of medicinal raw materials on 10 parts of water. Broth it is possible to rinse an oral cavity at periodontosis and other dental diseases, to process wounds, decubituses and burns, to accept inside at a coloenteritis, gastritis, colitis. Also at the specified gastrointestinal diseases such broths help: 20 g of dry leaves of a mespilus boil 5-6min in 250 ml of water on the water bath, draw hour. After that broth needs to be filtered. It is possible to accept it on a third or a quarter of a glass to food three р / day.

The knitting property also juice from fresh berries has. Only wring out juice not from svezhesorvanny fruits, and slightly dried – it is necessary to sustain a mespilus in the dry place 7-10 days.

Fruits of a mespilus can be used also for prevention of cardiovascular diseases because they contain the substance reducing cholesterol level – beta ситостерон. It is regular to use a mespilus advise also for the prevention of a varicosity, a heart attack.

Antiinflammatory useful properties of a mespilus are successfully applied in complex treatment of purulent quinsy – juice from fruits rinse a throat.

Fresh berries have sedative effect, help at sleep disorders, sleeplessness. It is possible to give for this purpose berries to children and adults.

Tincture on flowers of a mespilus ordinary helps at a hypertension, heart failure.

For tincture preparation flowers (1 tablespoon) fill in 250 ml of boiled water, two hours insist, filter. At a hypertension tincture is drunk on 1-2 spoons by table 3-4 once a day.

It is also noticed that the use of berries of a mespilus serves as good prevention of cancer diseases, promotes immunity improvement, removal of toxins, salts of heavy metals, bad cholesterol, reduction of influence of electromagnetic radiation.

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Contraindications to the use of a mespilus

Considering that one of useful properties of a mespilus – pressure decline, is contraindicated to be treated by tincture on flowers of a plant to hypotensives.

To accept broths and tincture of a mespilus, dried and fresh fruits of various grades of a mespilus it is recommended only for the night – as in the afternoon there can be problems with concentration of attention, drowsiness, block can appear.

Fruits of a plant increase coagulability of blood therefore it is impossible to use in a large number berry to those who are engaged in injury-causing activity.

Collecting a mespilus, it is important not to confuse it with a buckthorn which fruits can be used only in a year after harvesting.

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