Main > Diseases> Nose partition curvature

Nose partition curvature

The curvatureИскривление перегородки носа является причиной затрудненного дыхания of a nasal partition is quite widespread phenomenon which can often be observed at adults and children. Often curve nasal partition is the reason of the complicated breath, antritis, cold and other complications.

Treatment of a curvature of a partition of a nose can be only surgical. Operation on the bent partition of a nose is called the septoplasty.

Nose partition curvature reasons

Discrepancy of growth rates of bone and cartilaginous parts of a nasal partition, i.e. anatomic defect is the most common cause of a curvature of a partition of a nose. It is possible to carry to other common causes nose injuries, and also existence of such diseases of a nose as polyps, a thickening of nasal sinks, etc.

The partition of a nose is the anatomic education which is located in a nasal cavity and dividing it into two equal parts. In turn, the nasal partition also consists of two parts: front cartilaginous, and back bone, being in depth of a nasal cavity. A cartilaginous part of a partition is easily probed if to run a finger over a ridge of the nose. To the touch it pliable and elastic therefore is more subject to damage at injuries.

Types of a curvature of a nasal partition

Depending on the reasons there are three main types of a curvature of a nasal partition:

  • Physiological which is caused by discrepancy of growth rates of cartilaginous and bone parts of a partition. The similar curvature at children's age begins.
  • Compensatory which develops during constant irritation of a cartilaginous part of a partition of a nose a polyp, too reinforced nasal partition or a foreign subject;
  • The traumatic curvature resulting from an injury. Traumatic curvature of a partition of a nose is the most common cause of the complicated breath and nasal bleeding.

Nose partition curvature symptoms

In a varying degree the curvature of a nasal partition exists at each person. However it is preferential does not cause unpleasant feelings therefore treatment of a curvature of a partition of a nose in this case is not required. However much the bent nasal partition demands surgical intervention. Operation is necessary when the following symptoms appear:

  • snore during sleep;
  • the visible change of a shape of a nose caused by a curve nasal partition;
  • the difficulty of nasal breath which sometimes was so expressed that the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth;
  • frequent nasal bleedings;
  • frequent respiratory infections, cold, sinusitis, rhinitises, chronic pharyngitis, etc.;
  • allergic vasculomotor rhinitis which is shown in constant cold, sneezing, a nose congestion, an itch, transparent allocations from a nose.

The most common symptoms at a nose partition curvature at children is snore in a dream, constantly slightly opened mouth, nasal bleedings, rhinitises.

Treatment of a curvature of a partition of a nose

According to reviews, Искривление перегородки носа у мужчиныoperation on the bent nose partition (septoplasty) is the most effective method of treatment.

Now the septoplasty is applied traditional and laser. It is necessary to know that laser the septoplasty has a number of contraindications and is applied only in case of an insignificant curvature.

Traditional the septoplasty is carried out under local anesthesia. The surgeon carries out all manipulations directly in a nasal cavity therefore there is no scar left and traces after operation. Operation duration on the bent nose partition, according to reviews, can be different. In most cases it makes of half an hour till two o'clock and depends on curvature degree.

It is possible to judge efficiency of the carried-out treatment only upon termination of the recovery period which makes about two weeks.

Operation to children is performed on reaching 14-year age. However if symptoms of a curvature are too expressed, the child has difficulties with nasal breath, constantly there are rhinitises and other complications, carrying out operation since six years is allowed.

Possible complications after the septoplasty

Complications after operation can be divided conditionally on early and late. Early complications are bleedings and hematomas. For their elimination it is necessary to insert tampons into the nasal courses. Quite rare complication is the perforation resulting from traumatizing a nasal partition during operation by a sharp object. In order to avoid this complication the surgeon has to carry out all manipulations with extra care and care.

There can be abscess because of existence of purulent sinusitis and a clot in anticipation of a nose. To avoid abscess, it is necessary to disinfect a surgery field carefully. It is recommended to the patient prior to operation and some time after it to spend on drink a course of antibiotics.

Late complication is the change of a shape of a nose connected with a high resection of a quadrangular cartilage. It should be noted that the similar complication meets extremely seldom.

Prevention of a curvature of a partition of a nose

For prevention of a curvature of a nasal partition it is necessary to avoid any injuries and injuries of a nose. Is not necessary without recommendation of the doctor to accept any vasoconstrictive drugs as they at prolonged use provoke hypostasis mucous that aggravates nasal breath at the bent nose partition.

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