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The endocrinologist – the highly qualified specialist who is engaged in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of failures in work of hemadens.

Эндокринолог – высококвалифицированный специалист, который занимается профилактикой, диагностикой и лечением сбоев в работе желез внутренней секреции

The word the endocrinologist has the Greek origin which defines a profession essence: endon – inside, krino – I allocate, I separate.

The endocrinology belongs to the section of the medicine studying exchange processes of an organism and work of hormonal (endocrine) system of the person. Also doctors endocrinologists develop ways of diagnosis of hormonal diseases and methods of their treatment.

Features of a profession of the doctor of the endocrinologist

Endocrine and nervous systems of an organism ensure harmonious functioning of all organism, and the produced hormones are responsible for a normal metabolism of an organism and exert impact on work of many bodies.

Failure of endocrine system, as a rule, involves serious problems with health in the form of various diseases. Both the reasons, and manifestations of hormonal failure happen different. At the same time they are various at men and women, and also depend on age.

According to endocrinologists, at women the most frequent symptoms of endocrine failure is increase or weight reduction, an acrimony, a bad dream, a skin itch, a hair loss. Origins of hormonal disturbances can be found out on consultation from the endocrinologist.

One of the main problems of a hormonal imbalance is that symptoms not obviously indicate existence of a problem owing to what installation of the diagnosis happens late when the disease begins to progress. Attempts to affect symptoms by means of diets and increase in duration of a dream according to endocrinologists usually do not bring result.

Specialization of adult doctors of endocrinologists

As a rule, doctors endocrinologists treat the diseases connected with a reproduction including male and female endocrine infertility, a gynecomastia at men, a mastopathy, climacteric frustration, excess pilosis at women, disturbances of a menstrual cycle and a problem of a lactation.

Depending on a disease, doctors of endocrinologists can be divided on specialization – the endocrinologist-gynecologist, диабетолог, the endocrinologist geneticist, тиреоидолог and others. Their competence includes various hormonal frustration, namely:

  • Diseases of a hypophysis and hypothalamus which cause such diseases as not diabetes mellitus, giantism, a hypothalamic syndrome, a prolaktinoma, an acromegalia;
  • Pathologies of adrenal glands, including inborn dysfunction of bark of adrenal glands, insufficiency and new growths of adrenal glands;
  • Pathologies of a thyroid gland which lead to development of a diffusion craw, a thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, a thyrotoxicosis.

The endocrinologist it is necessary to address for consultation also at osteoporosis, a multiple endocrine neoplasia, obesity.

After assessment of diagnostic results on reception the endocrinologist offers the medical scheme of correction of disturbances of activity of hemadens. According to endocrinologists, except medicamentous therapy for achievement of the fastest effect it is rather important to listen to a doctor's advice on change of food and a way of life.

Children's endocrinologist

The children's endocrinologist or the pediatrician-endocrinologist specializes in disturbances of synthesis and effect of hormones of children and teenagers, namely on:

  • Autoimmune and oncological diseases of endocrine system at children;
  • Problems of pathology of growth and sexual development;
  • Not diabetes mellitus;
  • Diabetes mellitus of the 1st type;
  • Pubertal and youthful dispituitarizm.

Survey of the children's endocrinologist is necessary in cases when:

  • The delay of psychomotor development at early age is observed;
  • Parents have any endocrine pathology, including diseases of a thyroid gland, a diabetes mellitus;
  • The strong deviation in the weight (surplus or a shortcoming) is observed;
  • Deviations in growth rate (delay or acceleration) are observed.

It is recommended to get advice at the children's endocrinologist for assessment of sexual and physical development to children and teenagers at the age of 8, 10-12 and 15-17 years. Also at this age it is necessary to have examination of a thyroid gland.

Where there takes place reception of the endocrinologist

As a rule, reception of the endocrinologist takes place in policlinics and the large or specialized medical centers. Scientific work is usually carried out to scientific research institute of experimental endocrinology where new methods of endocrinology gather, analyzed and developed.

For the correct diagnosis after consultation of the endocrinologist it is necessary to pass necessary clinical analyses and inspection – MRT, ultrasonography or a computer tomography.

How to receive a profession of the doctor of the endocrinologist

To work as the doctor the endocrinologist or the children's endocrinologist it is necessary to graduate from medical school on the corresponding specialization.

The highly skilled endocrinologist in addition to knowledge in the field of a structure and functioning of hemadens has to have good knowledge of physiology and anatomy of a human body, and also to have analytical mind for identification of the reasons of hormonal deviations.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.