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Female infertility

Женское бесплодие

When at the woman after a year of the regular sexual intercourses without use of contraceptive means there does not occur pregnancy, it is accepted to speak about female infertility. In more than a half of cases conception does not happen because of the woman. Female infertility is subdivided on primary when pregnancy never occurred, and secondary if it took place to be.

Also distinguish absolute female infertility and relative. In the first case conception is impossible owing to anatomo-physiological features, like an underdevelopment or lack of a uterus and other female generative organs. In the second – pregnancy is possible after elimination of the reasons which caused infertility.

Female infertility in itself is not a disease, but in most cases demands medical intervention, only the specialist can establish the reason of a similar state and choose right tactics of elimination of this problem.

Reasons of female infertility

The variety of the reasons of female infertility blows the mind, but it is possible to distinguish three main groups from them:

- impassability of uterine tubes or tube infertility. In this case consequences of diseases of female generative organs of inflammatory character, the urogenital infections caused in most cases can be the reasons of female infertility. Here it is possible to refer commissures after operative measures, etc.

- disturbance of a menstrual cycle at which there is no regular ovulation, or hormonal infertility. Most often it is caused by dysfunction in work of hemadens to which also ovaries belong.

- disturbance of process of implementation and an attachment of an oospore, for example, at endometriosis, after abortions and on some other the reasons. This type of female infertility is called uterine.

In addition as the reasons of female infertility the abnormal structure and malformations of bodies of a small pelvis, immunological factors, tumors and cysts of ovaries and a uterus of various etiology, stressful states, gene disturbances are considered. Sometimes conception does not happen even when there are no reasons interfering a favorable outcome.

Diagnosis of female infertility

The full inspection including diagnostic tests is very expensive, both from the financial point of view, and with moral. On time diagnosis of female infertility occupies about four-five menstrual cycles. Such duration is explained by incompatibility of some procedures among themselves and the fact that tests can be carried out only in certain days of a menstrual cycle.

At any kind of female infertility diagnosis begins with collecting the anamnesis, gynecologic survey and testing. Examination on urogenital infections is without fail conducted, ultrasonography of bodies of a small pelvis becomes, and also the smear for studying of microflora of a vagina undertakes. The blood analysis, taken on an empty stomach from a vein from 5 to 7 day of a menstrual cycle, helps to reveal the hormonal imbalance interfering maturing of an ovum. As supportive application for diagnosis of female infertility the schedule of basal temperature is used, with its help time of approach of an ovulation becomes clear if it is available.

More reliable method of determination of term of an ovulation is the biopsy of intrauterine fabrics when the special tool the piece from the surface of a uterus undertakes. On the basis of data of microscopic examination of the taken sample it becomes clear, uterus tissue was exposed to hormonal influence or not.

At suspicion on impassability of uterine tubes radiological inspection, a gisterosalpingografiya (GSG) or a laparotomy is carried out. The most reliable information about a condition of ovaries, pipes, a uterus and surrounding space can be received when using the last way of a research.

Treatment of female infertility

After the conducted examination and depending on the received results appointment or more profound diagnosis, or if the reason is established, the most optimum way of treatment of female infertility is possible:

- sexual intercourse during the period, favorable for conception. The ovulation is calculated by means of the schedule of basal temperature or ultrasonic inspection of bodies of a small pelvis.

- hormonal therapy during which performing the hormonal background is adjusted so, is normalized activity of ovaries and development of ova becomes more active.

Лечение женского бесплодия ягодами калины- if hormonal disturbances insignificant, then insemination is carried out. This procedure consists in administration of sperm of the sexual partner in a uterus during the period, optimum for pregnancy approach. As a rule, before it stimulation of ovaries by means of hormonal means is appointed.

- in the absence of effect of the carried-out treatment of female infertility the best result shows extracorporal fertilization (EKO) when the ovum is impregnated by sperm out of an organism of future mother, and then is located in a cavity of the uterus.

- use of donor ova. It can be as surrogacy when the child is born by the donor, and implementation of donor ova in the uterus of the infertile woman prepared by means of hormones. This way is applied in case of a serious genetic illness or in the absence of development of own ova.

Prevention of female infertility

As it was already mentioned above, female infertility is not a disease, but observance of a number of rules in many cases will help to avoid situations at which conception becomes impossible. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the arranged sex life, use of contraceptives, timely treatment of urogenital infections and inflammations of bodies of a small pelvis belongs to prevention of female infertility. It is regularly very important to visit the gynecologist, a disease it is much easier to warn or treat when it did not pass into a severe form yet.

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