Marrow diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:7-10 days

3 of 5

Simple in observance and rather various diet, at the heart of which the vegetable loved by many. The marrow diet does not belong to hungry and on condition of observance of all rules provides good result. Is ideal for summer months.

Recommended частота:раз in a year
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The marrow diet belongs to low-calorie power supply systems. By means of this diet kept Catherine Deneuve, Sophia Loren and Margaret Thatcher's shape.

Vegetable marrows are vitamin-rich (With, E, PP, groups B), organic acids and minerals (iron, copper, calcium, manganese). In them there is a lot of potassium which is necessary for normal functioning of heart, circulatory system and maintenance of water-salt balance. Vegetable marrows contain a large amount of light food fibers which improve an intestines peristaltics, and also promote removal from an organism of harmful substances. At the use of vegetable marrows cholesterol level in blood decreases.

On a marrow diet it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • It is desirable to use young, immature vegetables;
  • It is recommended to choose vegetable marrows with dark green coloring of a peel;
  • It is necessary to use vegetable marrows with a skin as in it concentration of useful substances is high;
  • It is desirable to prepare dishes by method of cooking, suppression or on couple;
  • In a diet there have to be proteinaceous products;
  • The weight of portions should not exceed 350 g;
  • The use of salt is minimized;
  • In day it is necessary to drink not less than 1,5-2 liters of pure still water.
Кабачковая диета – низкокалорийная, но достаточно разнообразная диета


The marrow diet is effective: in 7 days about 3 kg of excess weight leave.

From vegetable marrows it is possible to prepare a set of dishes, they are used crude, added to salads, cooked and baked – it helps to diversify a diet.

Pleasant bonus of a marrow diet – clarification of an organism, improvement of a condition of skin and a hair, normalization of work of intestines.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The main lack of a marrow diet – imbalance. The diet is limited therefore at long observance of a diet deficit of some useful substances is possible. It is not recommended to adhere to this power supply system longer than 7-10 days.

Lasting marrow diet more than 10 days, it is necessary to accept vitamin drugs.

The marrow diet is contraindicated to people with potassium exchange disturbance. In the raw vegetable marrows are not recommended to be used to persons with gastritis, stomach ulcer and a duodenum. The diet is not recommended to pregnant women and the feeding women, children and teenagers, and also people with heart diseases.

At chronic diseases before a diet it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

What products are resolved?

Except vegetable marrows vegetables and fruit, sheet greens, chicken (chicken breast without skin), fast red meat (mutton, beef), fish are resolved.

From drinks green tea without sugar, fruit and vegetable svezheotzhaty juice, grass broths is recommended.

What products are prohibited?

All types of sausages, smoked products, bakery and confectionery, sugar, coffee, alcohol are excluded from a diet. It is desirable to refuse salt, but if it causes serious discomfort, is admissible to use it in a small amount.


The example of the menu of a marrow diet for two days is included below. It is possible to alternate this menu within 7-10 days.

The menu for the first day:

First breakfast

Vegetable marrows casserole.

Second breakfast

The vegetable zucchini, cucumber and carrots salad filled with yogurt.


The vegetable paprika soup (2 pieces), carrots (1 piece), a celery stalk strewed after preparation with greens, a boiled paltry idea.

Afternoon snack

Salad (the crushed vegetable marrow (500 g), small cut paprika (1 piece), greens and a piece of ginger mix with cottage cheese (200 g) and fill with natural yogurt (50 g)).


The zucchinis stuffed with vegetables and baked in a foil in an oven.

The menu for the second day:

First breakfast

Vegetable marrows fritters.

Second breakfast

The zucchini and greens salad filled with vegetable oil and several droplets of juice of a lemon.


The fish baked in a foil with a vegetable marrow, carrots and onions (200 g).

Afternoon snack

Marrow caviar with cottage cheese and yogurt mix.


Vegetable marrows with mushrooms (vegetable marrows cut circles, slightly fry, mix with stewed mushrooms (except champignons), strew with greens).

Recipes from the menu of a diet:

  • Vegetable marrows casserole: the vegetable marrow (1 kg) is rasped, add rye flour (3 tablespoons), egg (1 piece), greens, mixed, spread in the oiled baking sheet and baked in an oven;
  • Vegetable marrows fritters: the average vegetable marrow is rasped, wring out juice, add egg (1 piece), flour (3 tablespoons), fructose powder (1 tablespoon) to marrow weight, it is a little salts, baking soda (1 h l.), fry on vegetable oil.

Useful tips

Council 1: For frying it is better to use an antiprigarny frying pan on which it is possible to prepare without oil addition.

Council 2: Lasting marrow diet more than 10 days it is necessary to accept vitamin drugs.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.