Loss of weight at children's age is process, quite difficult for the child, as there are not so many children's diets which will not do much harm to health of the growing organism and psychologically diets for children of 12 years can not always quietly be maintained by them.
Problems of excess weight are not always directly connected at children with constant feeling of hunger and desire to transfer, often lead to it the bad relations between parents, parents and the child and even the child with other children. If in a family an adversity, parents constantly swear and shout at each other at the child, most likely because of constantly endured stress the 12th summer child will jam the experienced negative emotions.
Before starting a diet for children of 12 years, it is better to descend to the psychologist and to define the reasons for which the child has a desire to overeat. In addition to the psychological reasons in the modern world the dominating obesity factors at children's age is the slow-moving way of life, children spend a lot of time behind computer games and have a bite harmful products (chips, carbonated drinks and sweets).
To understand how to lose weight in 12 years it is initially necessary to set accurately as the purpose achievement of weight optimum for maintenance of healthy physical shape, to ask the child why he wants to lose weight to define motivation, and then to develop the accurate plan for achievement of results.
The following advice will help to understand how to lose weight to the child of 12 years and how to set the received results:
Not the unimportant moment in the course of weight loss is interesting creative activity, with the help which it will not be boring for the child. The boredom, as we know, declines to frequent having a snack so it will be better if your child has on it no time.
It is important to consider that the child, despite excess weight, has to receive all vitamins and macrocells, necessary for work of an organism, therefore rigid low-carbohydrate and monodiets should not be chosen as a way of weight loss at all.
Keeping to a diet it is the best of all to conform to the well-known rules of healthy food, namely – to use not less than 2 l of water a day, 5-6 meals a day of the small portions, not to eat food in 3-4 hours prior to a dream, and also occupation physical exercises.
Sweet, flour and fried it is necessary to limit and reduce their use to a minimum (1 candy a day), however not to exclude from a diet completely as such restriction can lead to failure. Carbonated drinks should be replaced with freshly squeezed juice or simple drinking water, to use fruit, yogurts and nuts during having a snack, the breakfast has to be dense and consist of healthy food, for lunch to cook vegetables, grain, soups, meat and fish, and dairy and sour-milk products will be suitable for a dinner.
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