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How to lose weight in 13 years

Как похудеть в 13 лет? Это можно сделать без изнурительных тренировокNot only adults suffer from excess weight, but also children. At teenage age, also as well as in any other, obesity is a dangerous problem which can promote serious diseases, such as a diabetes mellitus of the second type. Fortunately, there is a set of ways how to lose weight to the child of 13 years without constant calculation of calories and hours-long trainings in gym. It is possible to lose weight quickly, having changed the addictions to slightly new, bringing benefit.

So, the understanding of how to lose weight to the child of 13 years begins with definition of the reasons for which there is a process of accumulation of excess weight. Having puzzled with a question how to lose weight the teenager of 13 years cannot use tablets for weight loss at all, to keep to low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets or to starve, so such methods of controlling with an excess weight will only do much harm to health of the growing organism.

How to lose weight in 13 years: practical advice

Having puzzled with a question how to lose weight to the girl of 13 years or the boy, the following useful tips will help:

  • Occupations physical exercises on an hour a day. Physical exercises, at least, on an hour a day will promote bystry loss of extra kilos. Any kinds of physical activity, such as dances, jogging, swimming, driving the bicycle or walking, visit of sports sections, gymnastics or ballet will approach. In non-study time it is useful to move and spend as much as possible time in the fresh air;
  • It is considered that occupations team sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc.) are the most effective types of an exercise stress which quickly bring into an appropriate form. Being in team children, without understanding that, compete with each other that stimulates and motivates them to train more diligent, to gather the speed and coordination;
  • To reduce the size of portions. Restaurants and school cafeterias often serve food in the big portions that allows to overeat easily, even without realizing it. In such cases do not eat everything that is in a plate, leaving a quarter of the acquired food untouched. It is better to bring with itself from the house ready lunches and food for having a snack according to the menu planned in advance for a day diet;
  • The breakfast has to be daily. The nutritious breakfast can increase metabolism which as a result will allow to burn more calories throughout the day. Celluloses, grain with high content, and pastries from whole grain, nuts, fruit and porridges will be ideal. The big breakfast can satisfy hunger for a long time, saving from an overeating and the use of unhealthy snack between meals;
  • Not to distract during meal. Avoid phone conversations, viewing of the TV, writing of text messages, do not play video games while you eat. This distracting activity will prevent to catch the signals proceeding from a brain about saturation. Eat slowly, 32 times chewing each piece, and savor food so that to feel satisfied even if on a plate of food will be less, than usually;
  • Be often weighed. On average, knowing how to lose weight in 13 years and putting this knowledge into practice, the teenager has to lose no more than 1 kg a week not to do much harm to the health. Be weighed several times a week, but is not more often that the nobility in what quantity weight leaves. Besides, knowing how many the kilogram leaves in a month, it is possible to define completion date of a diet and achievement of a goal;
  • Define that number of kilograms which you want to lose and make a detailed plan on achievement of necessary weight with the description not only a day diet, but also a desirable exercise stress;
  • In order that weight loss in 13 years was effective, it is necessary to drink a lot of water. Try to drink, at least, 6-7 glasses of simple water every day. Drink water every time when the feeling of hunger appears, sometimes its emergence is connected with shortage of water in an organism;
  • Try to go to bed every day at the same time, even on the weekend, at the same time duration of a dream has to be not less than 8 hours a day.

How to lose weight to the teenager of 13 years: menu of a day diet

Having puzzled with a question how to lose weight the girl of 13 years or the boy need to know how it is correct to make and of what products the menu of a day diet has to consist:

  • The breakfast has to be most dense meal in a day. In order that weight loss in 13 years was effective, it is necessary to think over in advance what food will be nourishing, nutritious and healthy. If preference is given, for example, to pancakes with syrup and to yogurt, then in such breakfast only yogurt as in pancakes and any sweet syrup there are a lot of calories will be useful. Try healthier alternative to the chosen pancakes with syrup, let us assume, syrup it is possible to replace with the bananas which are shaken up in the blender without sugar with oranges, and pancakes - cheesecakes from skim cheese. For breakfast any fruit, freshly squeezed juice, eggs, meat, green tea with mint, 50 g of dark chocolate, dairy products and porridges will be useful;
  • The lunch is the best of all to take with itself from the house, only this way it is possible to know for certain of what products it is made. For lunch vegetable, fish and meat soups, the vegetable stew baked or boiled low-fat meat and fish, fresh vegetable salads and seafood salads will be useful (without mayonnaise);Как похудеть ребенку в 13 лет? Нежирные молочные продукты - лучший ужин
  • The dinner has to be a lung, low-fat dairy products, such as cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt are ideal for it. It is possible to have supper in 3-4 hours prior to a dream;
  • As having a snack, according to knowledge of how to lose weight in 13 years, it is better to use fruit and nuts.

Bakery products, carbonated drinks and sweets can be used once a week reasonably, otherwise it is possible to nullify all week result.

Knowing how to lose weight in 13 years it is worth thinking also of self-encouragement. Every time, achieving new result, let us assume, losses of 1 kg a week, buy to yourself something or celebrate this event a visit of cinema, bowling or on a skating rink with friends.
It is also important that the teenager was supported both relatives, and friends. Many nutritionists say that it is much easier for child to keep to a diet and to constrain appetite if his family goes on a diet together with it and eats similar food. At this age it is quite difficult to keep itself from temptations and if the family eats the products prohibited for the use in the face of the growing thin child, hardly it will serve as a good incentive to continue to keep to a diet. Support of relatives will be more than ever by the way, also joint sports activities, departures on the nature on days off, and also any other family active recreation will be useful. In addition to relatives important that the child was supported also by friends who can also actively help to spend non-study time.

Other important point for the teenager in appetite control, in addition to knowledge of how to lose weight in 13 years, strangely enough, is lack of boredom. It is proved what ignorance of how it is possible to spend cheerfully and interestingly leisure-time pushes children on an overeating. Any hobby or creative activity, such as drawing, playing musical instruments, origami, a molding, etc. can help with fight against boredom.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.