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Caloric content of a mackerel

The second name of a mackerel – a mackerel. Most of people carry this fish to fat grades, and therefore consider her not really useful. It is natural that the caloric content of a mackerel is rather high since also the content of fat in it big. But first of all, this fish bears huge advantage for the person.Жиры, белки, микроэлементы и калории скумбрии

Fat of a mackerel is processed by a human body much quicker, than fat of animal origin. Besides it contains a large amount of the polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the overall good health, health and beauty of our skin, mucous membranes, joints, vessels and hair. Therefore it is precipitate to refuse inclusion in the food allowance of this fish, at least.

Structure and caloric content of a mackerel

The mackerel belongs to fat grades of fish. In 100 g there are from 13 to 30 g of fat; waters of 68 g; proteins - 18 g, fatty unsaturated acids of-70 g.

Meat of a mackerel as however, and all other species of sea food fishes, it is vitamin-rich, macro and microelements. It is possible to call this fish safely by the fine polyvitaminic complex presented to us by the nature. At meat of a mackerel there are group B vitamins, A, C, D, H, PP, K. Except high caloric content, the mackerel is rich macro - and the microelements necessary for normal life activity of a human body:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium;
  • Iron;
  • Iodine;
  • Zinc;
  • Fluorine;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese;
  • Cobalt, chrome, nickel, is mobile.

Only 300,0 grams of fillet of a mackerel are capable to provide the adult with standard daily rate of phosphorus completely. And 400,0 grams of meat of this fish for 100% cover the need for such chemical element, necessary for us, as potassium.

How many calories in a mackerel?

Chemical composition of a mackerel is influenced by various factors: age, the place where it was caught, time, etc. The fish caught in northern latitudes very fat. Sometimes the content of fat in it reaches 30%. Therefore also the caloric content of a mackerel in this case will be very high. And in other cases its fat content is twice lower, therefore, and calories the mackerel will contain less.

Caloric content of a mackerel of the Atlantic average fat content on 100 g makes about 200 kcal. Caloric content of a mackerel can change in this or that party on average on 50 kcal. It is influenced first of all by its fat content.

Useful properties of a mackerel

Unfortunately, in kitchen of our country and on open spaces of the majority of other CIS countries - the mackerel was not widely adopted especially. Apparently on structure, it is vitamin-rich, microelements and such unsaturated fatty acids, useful to a human body. And the content of useful substances in it rather high, but also the caloric content of a mackerel because of high content of fat too not small.

Any more it is necessary to tell about advantage of fish oil to nobody. The mackerel is its natural source. And at the use of meat of this fish, such unpleasant taste of fish oil which many remembered since the childhood is not felt at all. Fish oil protects cells from penetration of free radicals, and also strengthens cellular membranes. All this is fine prevention of various oncological diseases.

Fish are recommended to use not only adults, but also children, despite the high content of calories in a mackerel. In the CIS countries, generally got used to use a salty or smoked mackerel, and it not really that and is useful.Сколько в скумбрии калорий и можно ли ее употреблять при похудении

Recipes of preparation of a mackerel there is a huge set. For children it is possible to extinguish it. One of advantages of this fish is absence in her meat of ossicles. It perfectly provides an organism with phosphorus, calcium, iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

So, how many calories in a mackerel? The answer to this question will depend not only on its fat content, but also on a way of preparation. Than more oil is used at preparation of a dish, subjects and the caloric content of a mackerel will be more.

The salty and smoked mackerel is not recommended to be used to people with gastrointestinal diseases, kidneys and cardiovascular system. Extra fatty grades, regardless of a way of preparation have to be excluded from a diet of people with diseases of a liver and biliary tract. Well and, of course, because of high caloric content the mackerel should not be included in the menu of the persons having obesity. In other cases of contraindications on its use is not present.

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