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Jam caloric content

Jam – the dessert received when cooking any fruit or berries (sometimes vegetables) with the maximum safety of integrity of a form of a product. Sugar in production of jam is used as preservative for long storage.

Средняя калорийность варенья в 100 г – 245-285 ккалHow many calories in jam depend on the recipe according to which he is trained, and is more specific – from amount of sugar on kilogram of an initial product, from the content of carbohydrates in the product, time of heat treatment, density of syrup and quantity than water in it. Average caloric content of jam – 245-285 kcal / 100, but if instead of sugar to use fructose, then the caloric content of jam will be much less – 150-155 kcal / 100.

Despite calories, jam it is more preferable to use as a dessert as it is completely natural product keeping the biological value of the fruit and berries used in its preparation in various degree. For example, black and red currant, sea-buckthorn, apples jam almost completely keeps vitamins. As any product with the high content of calories, jam it is necessary to use moderately, but whenever possible in the menu it is better to replace store sweets with several spoons of useful and tasty jam to tea.

It is possible to reduce jam caloric content if to cook it from fruit and berries with the minimum caloric content, such as mountain ash, sea-buckthorn, barberry, cherry and similar, and to replace sugar with honey, fructose or a stevia.

How many calories in jam

Caloric content of the jam made with identical amount of sugar from different berries and fruit on 100 g:

  • Cherries – 230 kcal;
  • Black-fruited mountain ash – 246 kcal;
  • Peaches – 248 kcal;
  • Apples – 254 kcal;
  • Quince – 263 kcal;
  • Wild strawberry – 264 kcal;
  • Apricots, blackcurrant – 265 kcal;
  • Pears, strawberries – 271 kcal;
  • Raspberries – 275 kcal;
  • Plums – 281 kcal.

During the autumn and winter period jam – a fine source of vitamins, minerals, celluloses, mineral salts which rather well remain in a product even after heat treatment.

Jam five-minute caloric content

If for long storage of jam to use sterilization, then process of heat treatment can be minimized for the maximum preservation of biologically valuable nutrients. The Sahara in jam five-minute according to the recipe is required twice less, than in the usual, so number of calories in jam will be almost half lower.

Сколько калорий в варенье в зависимости от рецептаBerries or fruit fall down sugar, infuse, producing juice, or firm berries and fruit with a dense peel are filled in with sugar syrup. Syrup or the emitted juice merges after a while, it is carried to boiling and fruit or berries plunge into it for 5 minutes of boiling. Jam is packaged in sterile ware and hermetically corked, it is necessary to store it in the dry and cool place.

It is especially recommended to cook according to such recipe raspberry, sea-buckthorn, kalinovy, mountain ash and currant jam – the fine source of vitamins for the winter which is often used for prevention and treatment of catarrhal diseases. The caloric content of jam which is used for treatment, the less load of an unhealthy organism is less and the therapeutic value of a product is higher.

Despite the caloric content, jam – a wonderful dessert and the beautiful house natural doctor. It is necessary to prepare jam for the future in quantities which satisfy requirements of a family during the winter period. Long stored, candied jam except a surplus of sugar, any other nutrition value has no more. It is necessary to use jam reasonably too. Several spoons in day will not add extra kilos, but will provide an organism with useful and necessary nutrients.

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