Main > Food stuffs> Flounder


The flounder – the fish living at the bottom of the Barents, Baltic, Mediterranean seas, the Atlantic Ocean concerns to family of kambalovy.

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In meat of a flounder there is practically no fat – no more than 3%, proteins it contains about 20%.

Fillet of a flounder contain vitamins A, B, D, E, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, iodine, fatty acids an omega-3.

Caloric content of a flounder – 83 calories in 100 g of fish.

Advantage of a flounder and its use

It is authorized to use fish in dietary food thanks to the fact that the caloric content of a flounder is low also to the fact that it of her squirrels is acquired by an organism easier, than meat. At the same time it was established, proteins of this fish contain the majority of all amino acids necessary for the person.

The advantage of a flounder at its use is obvious not only in dietary food. Fish surely should be included in a diet of patients who are recovered after a serious illness or operation.

Existence of important microelements does fish irreplaceable at diseases of a thyroid gland, bronchitis.

The regular use of fish serves as excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and cancer diseases – thanks to the amino acids and fatty acids which are contained in it. Besides, the beneficial influence of a flounder on a men's potentiality is noticed.

It is recommended to use fillet of a flounder during epidemics of cold, flu – it will protect an organism from negative external impacts, infections.

This fish is considered universal, it can be fried, extinguished and cooked, and thanks to the fact that it is well acquired, it can be given to children.

Advantage of a flounder not only in its meat. Also the caviar of a flounder having high biological and energy value is useful. On structure caviar does not concede some fillet of fish, her squirrels is also well acquired, it contains the same vitamins, minerals. Thanks to the high content of iron caviar is recommended to give to children at an anemia, to use at threat of development of diseases of a thyroid gland because of an iodine deficiency. Caviar is usually fried or salted.

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Contraindications to the use of a flounder

There are no serious contraindications to the use of a boiled and fried flounder, only if the allergy to fish is found, is it it is impossible. At inclusion of this fish in a diet for weight reduction it is better to use it in the stewed, baked or boiled look.

Salty and smoked meat, caviar of a flounder because of the high content of salt are contraindicated at cardiovascular diseases, supertension.

Also caviar is contraindicated at gastrointestinal diseases.

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