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Baker's cyst

Baker's cyst is the roundish dense elastic education in a popliteal space filled with synovial (joint) fluid.Киста Бейкера - доброкачественное образование в подколенной ямке

Baker's cyst as a result of inflammatory process in a knee joint forms or it is spontaneous without the special reasons. At the bent knee she is almost not noticeable, but clearly acts when the knee is unbent. Formation of a cyst of Baker can be provoked by excessive exercise stresses, a joint injury, arthrosis or a pseudorheumatism.

In case of formation of a cyst of Baker under a knee there is pressure sense, discomfort, pain. There are difficulties during the bending and extension of a leg in a knee which are followed by painful feelings. The considerable sizes of a cyst of Baker can become the reason of an innervation and disturbance of blood circulation because of displacement of nearby nervous trunks and blood vessels. Below a knee there is a feeling of numbness, a cold snap of skin, a pricking, puffiness is formed.

Baker's cyst national treatment

Rather effectively separately or in a complex with drug treatment use of national treatment of a cyst of Baker.

For elimination of a cyst of Baker national treatment recommends the following recipes:

  • Tincture of leaves and stalks of a gold mustache. To fill three quarters of capacity with melkonarezanny leaves and stalks, to fill in up to the top with vodka, to stand 20 days in the dark cool place. To accept the filtered received spirit solution inside on the 2nd tablespoons in the morning and in the evening. To use the remained thick for compresses, to apply a little weight on a fabric or gauze bandage and on all night long to wrap a knee;
  • Celandine infusion. To fill in with a half of a glass of boiled water two spoons of the crushed celandine, to insist 20 minutes. To make a compress on a problem joint of the received weight, to put for 2 hours;
  • Compress from medical bile and camphoric alcohol for removal of a cyst of Baker. In the ratio 250 grams of bile on 160 grams of camphoric alcohol to fill in mix in a glass container with a skintight cover, to store in the refrigerator. Daily during for about 4 months of hour to impose a compress around a joint, placing emphasis on a popliteal space. Over a compress to spread parchment paper and to wrap everything in warm fabric;
  • Comfrey root infusion. A spoon of well crushed root to trouble 300 ml of boiled water, to weary on the water bath 20 minutes, one hour to allow to infuse, after cooling to filter. To accept 3 times a day on a half-glass inside and to do compresses, having added 50 ml of medical alcohol to infusion, to put to a sore point for 3 hours;
  • Compress from propolis and a calendula. To crush and fill in the dried-up or fresh flowers of a calendula with hot goose fat (1/2 glasses), to add the heated crushed propolis and to stir. To apply the received homogeneous mass on a gauze bandage and on all night long to wrap it a knee. To do daily before recovery;
  • Compress from raspberry and elder. To take leaves of garden raspberry and flowers of black elder in equal shares. Two spoons of this collecting to fill in 1/2 glasses of boiled water, to draw half an hour in capacity with a skintight cover. The received weight, having laid out on oil-cloth fabric, to put daily to a sore point for 2 hours;
  • Compress from mix of a spicy carnation and a dandelion. To fill up two spoons of small cut roots of a dandelion in 150 ml of the boiling water and to hold on slow fire of 10 minutes then to filter infusion, to pound roots in gruel and again to connect. To crush a spoon of the dried-up carnation and to fill in 1/2 glasses of boiled water, to allow to infuse. To connect the received infusions, to add an alcohol spoon, to stir, apply carefully on a fabric napkin, to wrap around a sore joint. To impose atop parchment paper and, having wrapped everything warm fabric, to hold 3 hours daily.

If it is correct to choose the most suitable recipe, to carefully observe recommendations about production of means and the reception mode, national treatment of a cyst of Baker in most cases helps to solve this problem completely.

Baker's cyst treatment

Treatment of a cyst of Baker should be begun with full inspection, for identification of a possible source of a disease. MRT (magnetic and resonant tomography), ultrasonography (ultrasonography) of a knee joint and a puncture of contents of a cyst on the analysis is recommended to make. By results of inspection operational or conservative tactics of treatment of a cyst of Baker is chosen:

  • Conservative tactics of treatment of a cyst of Baker is recommended if the cyst was formed recently and has the small sizes. A thick needle the cyst body is punctured, its contents are sucked away, steroid anti-inflammatory drugs are entered into the formed cavity (дипроспан, a hydrocortisone, Kenalogum). In case of an inflammation of knee joints the course of treatment of a basic disease is appointed: physiotherapeutic procedures, antiinflammatory ointments, compresses, tablets, medicinal blockade;
  • Operation of a cyst of Baker is performed in case of increase in its sizes, an overclamping of a subnodal neurovascular bunch, restriction of bending of a knee joint, the repeating synovites, and also in case of inefficiency of conservative treatment.Гидрокортизон - противовоспалительный препарат для лечения кисты Бейкера

The conservative method of treatment of a cyst of Baker in most cases gives only temporary effect as the capsule of a cyst remains in a body, after a while it can over again start accumulating liquid.

Baker's cyst operation

Operation of a cyst of Baker – removal of mucous tendinous bags with their contents. Removal of a cyst of Baker is standard carry out under local or spinal anesthesia. On a back surface of a knee joint the cut over a cyst is made, it is separated from surrounding fabrics, the place of an attachment is tied up or stitched, then cut a cyst at the basis. Take in a wound and cover the place of removal of a cyst of Baker with an aseptic bandage, from above apply a pressure bandage or gypsum.

Operation of a cyst of Baker lasts before half an hour, postoperative stay in a hospital of 3-5 hours, 5-7 days later after operation full walking is allowed. Recovery of working capacity occurs for 7-10 day when remove seams.

Results of removal of a cyst of Baker usually good, a recurrence is not observed.

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