Baker's cyst is the roundish dense elastic education in a popliteal space filled with synovial (joint) fluid.
Baker's cyst as a result of inflammatory process in a knee joint forms or it is spontaneous without the special reasons. At the bent knee she is almost not noticeable, but clearly acts when the knee is unbent. Formation of a cyst of Baker can be provoked by excessive exercise stresses, a joint injury, arthrosis or a pseudorheumatism.
In case of formation of a cyst of Baker under a knee there is pressure sense, discomfort, pain. There are difficulties during the bending and extension of a leg in a knee which are followed by painful feelings. The considerable sizes of a cyst of Baker can become the reason of an innervation and disturbance of blood circulation because of displacement of nearby nervous trunks and blood vessels. Below a knee there is a feeling of numbness, a cold snap of skin, a pricking, puffiness is formed.
Rather effectively separately or in a complex with drug treatment use of national treatment of a cyst of Baker.
For elimination of a cyst of Baker national treatment recommends the following recipes:
If it is correct to choose the most suitable recipe, to carefully observe recommendations about production of means and the reception mode, national treatment of a cyst of Baker in most cases helps to solve this problem completely.
Treatment of a cyst of Baker should be begun with full inspection, for identification of a possible source of a disease. MRT (magnetic and resonant tomography), ultrasonography (ultrasonography) of a knee joint and a puncture of contents of a cyst on the analysis is recommended to make. By results of inspection operational or conservative tactics of treatment of a cyst of Baker is chosen:
The conservative method of treatment of a cyst of Baker in most cases gives only temporary effect as the capsule of a cyst remains in a body, after a while it can over again start accumulating liquid.
Operation of a cyst of Baker – removal of mucous tendinous bags with their contents. Removal of a cyst of Baker is standard carry out under local or spinal anesthesia. On a back surface of a knee joint the cut over a cyst is made, it is separated from surrounding fabrics, the place of an attachment is tied up or stitched, then cut a cyst at the basis. Take in a wound and cover the place of removal of a cyst of Baker with an aseptic bandage, from above apply a pressure bandage or gypsum.
Operation of a cyst of Baker lasts before half an hour, postoperative stay in a hospital of 3-5 hours, 5-7 days later after operation full walking is allowed. Recovery of working capacity occurs for 7-10 day when remove seams.
Results of removal of a cyst of Baker usually good, a recurrence is not observed.
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