The cyst of a liver represents the band education filled with liquid and proceeding from liver tissues. This disease is diagnosed for 1 – 2% of people, and men suffer from it several times less than women. Most often the cyst of a liver comes to light at people of the working-age (30 – 50 years).
Cysts of a liver have high-quality character and are usually filled with the transparent liquid which does not have a smell. Liver cysts with dark green jellylike contents are much less often observed.
Cysts can be localized in various shares and segments of a liver, to be located both in the depth of body, and on its surface. 25 centimeters have the diameter of a cyst of a liver. The huge cysts having a bigger size are very seldom observed.
All cysts of a liver are subdivided into two big groups: on parasitic and not parasitic cysts.
Not parasitic cysts of a liver in turn share on true and false. Adventitious cysts of a liver result from traumatic injury of a liver including after operational treatment of an echinococcus or abscess of a liver.
True cysts of a liver arise at the person even during pre-natal development. The reason of their emergence is that some bilious channels are not connected to the general system of bilious ways. Such cysts usually prove nothing, and find them usually accidentally when carrying out a computer tomography or ultrasound examination of a liver in any other occasion.
Parasitic cysts of a liver happen echinococcal and alveokokkovy. They result from infection of the person with parasites from a sick animal. Parasitic cysts of a liver represent very dangerous disease demanding performing obligatory treatment.
Cysts of a liver can is rather long to proceed almost asymptomatically. But in process of their growth patients begin to complain of an eructation, nausea, the aching pains in right hypochondrium, ponosa. Usually pain amplifies at the moments of physical activity and abates during rest.
Other nonspecific symptoms of a cyst of a liver are:
At a cyst of a liver of the huge size there is an asymmetric increase in a stomach which becomes especially noticeable against the background of the general weight loss of the patient. If the tumor begins to squeeze bilious ways, then mechanical jaundice – one more symptom of a cyst of a liver develops.
At the small sizes of a cyst of a liver treatment is usually carried out by conservative methods. Patients are recommended to adhere to dietary food. It is necessary to exclude fried, greasy, smoked, spicy and salty food, and also various spices and sauces from a diet. It is necessary to refuse the use of alcoholic drinks, strong coffee and tea, various carbonated drinks. It is necessary to include as much as possible fresh vegetables in the menu and fruit, and also freshly squeezed juice. In addition, it is necessary to include dairy and fermented milk products, a liver of animals, fish in a diet.
In the surgical way resort to removal of a cyst of a liver in case of its suppuration, bleeding or a gap. In addition, removal of a cyst of a liver is shown at its huge size (more than 10 centimeters in the diameter). When symptoms of a cyst of a liver have the expressed character, the doctor can also recommend operational treatment.
Removal of a cyst of a liver can be made by means of a laparoscopic or traditional open technique. In recent years doctors give preference to a laparoscopy since this method of removal of a cyst of a liver is much easier transferred by patients and gives considerably smaller percent of postoperative complications.
In many cases conservative treatment of a cyst of a liver gives lasting positive effect. In addition to a diet, drug treatment the doctor can advise the patient and methods of national treatment of a cyst of a liver. Use for therapy of this disease of broth of a shell of pine nuts is rather effective. For its preparation it is necessary to take approximately a half-glass of a shell and to fill in it with liter of cold water. To bring to boiling and to boil on very small fire within half an hour. The received broth is drunk during the day. It is possible to use the used skorlupk two more times for broth preparation, and then they should be replaced with new.
Other method of national treatment of a cyst of a liver is celandine juice use. However if you decide to use this method, then it is necessary to consult to the attending physician surely. Remember that juice of a celandine is very poisonous, incorrectly picked up dose can lead to rather serious poisoning!
The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.
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