Coffee – the invigorating drink made of fried seeds of some species of evergreen bushes of family the Madder family.
Coffee can render both positive, and negative influence on health and weight of the person, depending on that as well as in what quantity it is consumed.
The most important aspect at the use of coffee for weight loss is moderation. The excessive use of coffee can lead to increase and accumulation of a stress and to sleeplessness which lead to an overeating. It is important to give amount of the consumed coffee to one or two cups a day, or to pass to coffee without caffeine.
Pure black coffee has low calorie content and well satisfies hunger, at the same time it is necessary to refuse completely the use of coffee with cream, milk or sugar. Addition of a large number of cream and sugar in coffee increases its caloric content. If completely it is impossible to pass to pure black coffee, then it is necessary to replace cream with skim milk, and sugar – sweetener (stevia).
It is necessary to understand that only black and green coffee for weight loss are efficient, and such drinks on the basis of coffee as latte, a cappuccino, iced coffee and similar to them, on the contrary, lead to a set of excess weight. These drinks often contain a large amount of milk and the flavored sugar syrups, and one portion may contain the same number of calories what will contain a complex lunch.
Is more effective than some black coffee green coffee for weight loss is. This drink, grassy on taste, possesses a large amount of antioxidants, splits fats more actively, removes excess liquid, improves outward of skin, and also struggles with cellulitis.
According to reviews, coffee for weight loss suppresses appetite and thirst for sweets and night having a snack if to consume it after a dinner. Also, according to reviews, the coffee for weight loss used for an hour prior to a training increases activity which results in bigger intensity and loss of excess weight. Coffee also helps to lower joint and muscular pain, however it is impossible to have coffee just before a training as caffeine in combination with the acid produced during physical exercises can be led to a gastric disturbance.
For achievement of the best results the use of coffee for weight loss has to go in a combination to the balanced diet and regular physical exercises.
Coffee contains caffeine which is the stimulator allowing to feel like more vigorous and vigorous that leads to a superactivity and loss of weight. Also caffeine softly quashes feeling of hunger without addition of calories. It stimulates metabolism, increasing thermogenesis speed (burning by an organism of calories for creation of heat and energy) that also helps to lose excess weight.
Also carry the vitamin P which is contained in it which well influences vessels to useful properties of coffee, preventing their fragility and permeability.
In addition to positive influence of black and green coffee for weight loss, this drink also reduces probability of a course of a disease of Parkinson and Alzheimer, is effective at migraines and locks, removes feeling of fatigue and improves mood.
Contraindications to green coffee for weight loss are such diseases as:
Also contraindications to green coffee for weight loss are diseases of intestines, frustration of a nervous system, the period of a lactation and age of 45 years, and the excessive use of drink can lead to organism dehydration.
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