Cognac – the strong alcoholic drink made of certain grades of grapes on special technology.
As the main grade of white grapes for production of alcoholic drink serves uni блан is the grapes which are slowly ripening and possessing a hyperoxemia, resistance to diseases and high productivity.
In addition to an uni blan, for production of cognac can use such grades of grapes: монтиль, коломбар, фоль Blanch. These grades are extremely whimsical in cultivation, but alcohols from them have richer taste and aroma.
Quality of drink is defined by two main production technologies – an extraction of juice and fermentation. At a stage of fermentation sugar use is strictly forbidden.
Distillation of wine happens in two stages then cognac alcohol is spilled on oak barrels with a capacity from 270 to 450 liters. The minimum endurance makes 2 years, maximum – 70 years.
In the first years of endurance drink gains golden-brown color inherent in it and napityvatsya by tannins. Its tastes depend on age of cognac.
On 100 гр. a product calorie content in cognac makes 237,74 Kcal.
Nutrition value on 100 гр. drink makes: fats – 0,36 гр., water – 12,27 гр., proteins – 0,39 гр., carbohydrates – 2,13 гр.
No alcoholic drink can be considered useful at its thoughtless use. However consumption of good cognac in small doses has preventive and medical action.
In small amounts drink can lift arterial pressure, the utikhaniye of a headache and increase in a tone of an organism is a consequence of what.
Due to the existence in drink of biological active agents, the advantage of cognac consists in stimulation of work of a stomach, increase in appetite and improvement of work of a digestive tract.
For prevention of catarrhal diseases it is recommended to drink tea with one teaspoon of cognac. And in combination with ginger this drink can cure cold at early stages.
At quinsy hot drink will caress a throat, disinfecting it and curing a disease. Besides, the advantage of cognac in the warmed look in combination with a lemon consists in febrifugal property. At addition to hot cognac and a lemon of milk, it is possible to provide expectorant action at laryngitis and bronchitis.
The drink liqueur glass accepted before going to bed removes nervous tension, saves from sleeplessness and weakens, providing a quiet and healthy sleep.
In cosmetology the advantage of cognac also found broad application. It is used as acne rash medicine, mixing with borax, water and glycerin. Also with this drink do the bleaching face packs and masks for strengthening of hair.
Doctors recommend to use daily no more than 30 гр. cognac.
Negative properties good cognac much less, than advantages, but nevertheless has them.
The biggest harm from cognac, as well as any other alcoholic drink, consists in its excessive use therefore there is an accustoming and such disease as alcoholism develops.
The uses of drink it is contraindicated to the people having hypotonia, a hypertension, a diabetes mellitus and a zhelchekamenny disease.
Besides, as calories contain in cognac very much, it is not recommended to be used to people with an excess excess weight.
It is necessary to consider what can be benefited from cognac only under a condition if it is made by the famous producer and has excellent quality.
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