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Contagious mollusk

Short characteristic of a disease

Ребенок заразившийся контагиозным моллюскомIt is known that the children's organism resists invasion of various bacteria and viruses much more weakly, than an organism of the healthy adult. It means that the modern medicine knows many diseases which affect generally children. One of them carries the name "contagious mollusc".

The contagious mollusk is understood as virus damage of epidermis which is response of an integument to influence of a disease-producing factor. As a rule, the virus is found in children, but at coincidence of adverse factors (the postponed serious illness, immunity easing) it is quite capable to develop also on the adult's body.

The contagious mollusk at children is transferred after direct contacts with infected, or when sharing the general sanitary products and toys. If not to take timely preventive measures, the contagious mollusk at children can lead to the beginning of epidemic in preschool institutions and schools. In a case with adults process of transfer of a virus proceeds a little differently. To non-compliance with personal hygiene as main reason for the beginning of a course of a disease, are added available for the person of HIV infection and chaotic sex life as at people of middle and advanced age the virus gets into an organism at sexual intercourse.

What occurs at infection with a contagious mollusk?

Elementary little bodies of a mollusk get into skin blankets then they increase in sizes, form more and more large-scale colonies and gradually pass to healthy sites of an integument. Accumulations of activators in a zone of defeat look as the small knots filled with granular weight. Conglomerates of mollusks have the area to 2-3 cm in the diameter and are placed groups. At the diagnosis a contagious mollusk treatment has to begin as soon as possible. It is connected with the fact that slowly but surely colonies of activators extend on all skin.

Symptoms and current of a contagious mollusk

The incubation interval of a virus fluctuates from 2 weeks to several months. Terms of emergence of symptoms of a contagious mollusk depend on age of the patient and the general condition of its organism.

One of the most characteristic symptoms of a contagious mollusk is an enanthesis. They have an appearance of single and multiple small knots of oval or semi-spherical shape. Small knots do not hurt, have color of a normal integument. Often they shine, is much more rare – are surrounded with an inflammatory rim. Even less often the contagious mollusk at children strikes not only integuments, but also mucous membranes.

The contagious mollusk can progress for several years, but it is extreme option of succession of events. In most cases small knots disappear in itself within half a year. At the same time any specific removal of a contagious mollusk usually is not required, but specialists all the same resort to some procedures to accelerate destruction of causative agents of a virus.

Let's notice also that small knots – accumulations of activators have characteristic outward, are not similar to warts or any other skin diseases at all and therefore are easily diagnosed at detailed inspection of the patient. However, they can be confused with high-quality educations, but it is already a question of competence of the specialist who will perform inspection.

Contagious mollusk – treatment of a disease

Лечение контагиозного моллюска жидким азотомAll actions for removal of activators of a contagious mollusk come down to the sparing opening of small knots and the subsequent greasing of a wound spirit solution of iodine. Removal of a contagious mollusk is made for process acceleration by means of cold (liquid nitrogen), electric current (diatermokoangulyation) or surgical intervention (a contents scraping by means of special tools). If doctors diagnose an extensive contagious mollusk for children and the big area of defeats of an integument, the patient appoint ultra-violet radiation and antiviral ointments. Protective forces of an organism become stronger by purpose of fortifying procedures.

You should not self-medicate at any disease. Also the contagious mollusk did not become an exception to the rules. As we already told above, small knots can be confused with benign tumors easily. Respectively, squeezing out educations without consultation with the doctor, you can injure education harmless hitherto which will pass after that into a malignant form.

For bystry and painless recovery it will be useful to carry out disinfecting of children's things, personal care products of the child and toys. Adult patients are recommended to refuse the sexual relations up to the end of treatment as at non-compliance with quarantine actions the activator can get into an organism of the partner of the infected person.

Prevention of a contagious mollusk

Prevention of a contagious mollusk consists in early detection of an infection and observance of rules of personal hygiene. Besides, activation of protective forces of an organism, immunity strengthening is of great importance. The child needs to temper, be not to forgotten about gymnastics, hydrotherapeutic procedures, physical exercises and games in the fresh air.

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