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Контузия головного мозгаThe name of morbid condition of an organism a contusion comes from the Latin word contusion and literally designates "bruise". The general contusion represents a bruise of all body or the most part of its surface. Indispensable effects of a contusion are – amnesia, a loss of consciousness, dizziness, headaches, disturbances of the speech and acoustical perception. After a contusion of heavy degree impact on a human body is unpredictable, approach of a surdomutism or deep long coma is probable.

In some cases, this medical term is used generally, for designation of a bruise of any body, without its instruction, for example, when the contusion of an eye or a contusion of a brain means.

Contusion reasons

The reasons of a contusion consist in the traumatic impact on a human body received as a result of an extensive bruise at a blast wave of significant force, powerful differences of atmospheric pressure, strong vibration and so forth.

The general shock contusion is possible when falling the person from big height, at blow of a body flatwise about a surface of the water, and also at blockages the dense heavy masses (sand, stones, etc.).

Contusion symptoms

It is rather difficult to imagine how it is possible to get a bruise of all organism (from the top to the heels). However a bruise in essence is the result of impact of a powerful blast wave on a human body. At explosion the air surrounding the person adjoins to a body surface with a huge force. Force of influence is more or less uniform, but not all human bodies maintain it equally. Most of all the nervous system of the person and a brain in particular with various effects of a konuziya suffers.

Симптомы контузии глазаIn this regard, the most important symptom even of an easy contusion is the obligatory loss of consciousness lasting of several seconds till several o'clock (and even days). The easy contusion is not followed by any other symptoms, except a loss of consciousness. When receiving especially heavy contusion of people can die, without recovering. Also at heavy contusions the disorders of functioning of cardiovascular and respiratory systems sometimes leading to a full apnoea and a lethal outcome join characteristic symptoms.

The received heavy contusions, as a rule, are combined with serious traumatic damages – fractures of bones (edges, extremities and so forth), a concussion of the brain, gaps and bruises of internals (a liver, kidneys, a spleen).

Treatment of a contusion

Per se, treatment of a contusion consists first of all in providing and preservation of functions of life activity of the injured person when he is unconscious. The Kontuzheny person who fainted is absolutely helpless and can die, захлебнувшись even in a small pool of water.

It is necessary to lay contused by the person up. If the victim has strong indications of disturbance of respiratory activity it is necessary to start the procedure of an artificial respiration urgently. It is previously necessary to be convinced that in a nose and in a mouth of the patient the earth, sand, etc. did not accumulate (that often happens at explosion). If teeth of the person who was injured from a contusion are densely clenched, at the same time he is unconscious, giving first aid has to unclench them independently any make-shift – the stick suitable by the size, a knife, etc. After that it is necessary to clean a nasopharynx from pollution at first by means of a finger, and then a suitable piece of pure fabric. Further it is necessary to start directly an artificial respiration of "companies in a mouth". Use of a direct cardiac massage through a thorax is excluded as perhaps further traumatizing the injured internals and shift of the broken bones.

The received contusion if does not treat the category too heavy, and does not lead to an immediate lethal outcome, as a rule, quickly passes. The contusion will also respond to treatment rather well. Effects after a contusion – frustration of a nervous system, stutter and acoustical disturbances are also effectively treated.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.