Main > Drugs> Кордицепс


Кордицепс китайскийКордицепс is the mushroom relating to family sporynyevy. There are more than two hundred types of a korditseps from which distinguish one, allocated with medicinal properties – Korditseps Chinese, about which the speech will go further. Other types are not simply useless, but are even unsafe, as well as the majority of plants of this family.

General information

Кордицепс a unique plant which in ancient China was considered as a semi-plant semi-animal. Now it is for certain known that it not an animal, and a phytoparasite. Speaking about Korditsepsa Chinese, emphasize its high adaptogennost, that is adaptability to environment conditions. And it is valid, the mushroom grows as in usual conditions in the northwest of China, and in mountain climate at the height of 6500 m.

At Korditseps the cycle of reproduction which does not have analogs in which insects are directly involved. A favourite owner of this parasite is the caterpillar of a butterfly of Hepialus armoricanus, or a tonkopryad. When near a mushroom the caterpillar appears, it shoots at it disputes. Disputes by means of active enzymes dissolve an integument of a caterpillar, and get inside. Surprisingly, but the caterpillar does not find a parasite in any way, and in due time is earthed to pupate.

Here also there begins the activity the mushroom. Disputes expand in a body of a caterpillar, using for growth of fabric of its organism while the mycelium does not fill it entirely owing to what it perishes. Her body hardens and further is not exposed to destruction, putrefactive bacteria do not survive there. Through respiratory openings of a caterpillar the mushroom burgeons outside, reaching the 6-8th in length. Leg width about 3 mm, "hat" is presented by a club-shaped thickening.

There are reviews of Korditsepsa in which its pleasant taste and a smell is mentioned. Кордицепс collect and use together with caterpillars, they have medicinal properties equally.

Chemical composition

Unique chemical composition of a mushroom allows to use it as medicine of a broad spectrum of activity. Кордицепс according to specialists contains the following substances in the structure:

  • Beta carotene, substance of which in an organism vitamin A is formed. Beta carotene is necessary for a metabolism, performance by skin of the protective function, strengthening of a vascular wall, normal functioning of eyes, is also antioxidant, that is interferes with education of free radicals, thus protecting an organism from cancer and aging;
  • Vitamin E – antioxidant, strengthens immune system, exerts impact on a men's potentiality;
  • Complex of the vitamins of group B necessary for work of a liver, nervous cells and normal fabric exchange;
  • Ubikhinon, or the Q-10 coenzyme improving work of cardiovascular system and kidneys;
  • The phospholipids and fatty acids which are a part of a cellular membrane and necessary for an angenesis;
  • Microelements: zinc, selenium, iron, calcium, manganese, boron, etc.;
  • The polysaccharides performing function of immunomodulators;
  • Antibiotic кордицепин, belonging to nukleozidny group, having effect on streptococci and staphylococcus, having antineoplastic activity.

Use in medicine

Кордицепс в капсулахKorditseps's use in medicine at all not an innovation as the mushroom as powerful medicine was used in the Chinese traditional medicine for at least 5000 years. The Chinese doctors attributed it fortifying properties, ability to stimulate own protective forces of an organism, to improve a potentiality and to strengthen a nervous system. Modern reviews of Korditsepsa confirm this opinion that caused the increasing interest in this plant.

The mushroom drew special attention to itself after the Olympic Games of 2012 when the adviser of an Olympic team of China at a press conference declared that the Chinese tennis players could win first place thanks to regular use of Korditseps that was included into the program of their preparation for competitions.

Reviews of Korditsepsa of representatives of traditional western medicine are much more reserved, however, it is caused by the fact that there are no official researches proving medical impact of a mushroom on health, but not that contraindications to Korditseps are found.

On the basis of this plant a large amount of dietary supplements is now made. It is necessary to know that dietary supplements are not independent medicine, and only by addition to food in the medical purposes, or are used as addition to the carried-out therapy. The western doctors do not appoint Korditseps as medicine as they have on that no reasons in the form of the confirmed researches of scientific community.

The medicines which are used representatives of east medicine are extremely various and therefore it is not necessary to speak about the uniform instruction to Korditseps as for each of drugs it is the.

Korditseps's action

According to the existing responses of Korditseps has the following effect on an organism:

  • Strengthens walls of vessels, increasing at the same time their elasticity;
  • Prevents formation of cholesteric plaques, promotes a rassasyvaniye already formed, than considerably improves functioning of heart and all blood circulatory system;
  • Stimulates brain activity due to blood circulation improvement;
  • Improves a hemopoiesis;
  • Normalizes immune system, eliminating autoimmune processes and allergic reactions, promotes treatment of chronic diseases;
  • Improves a condition of integuments;
  • Promotes removal from an organism of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals;
  • Has antineoplastic activity.

Korditseps's use as antineoplastic drug is quite justified as in its structure in addition to a powerful antibiotic of a korditseptin there are also other anticarcinogenic substances, such as selenium and natural immunomodulators.


The description of properties of this mushroom underlines lack of side effects at its use, it is considered that contraindications to Korditseps are absent. However representatives of official western medicine warn against unlimited use of drugs on its basis, especially it concerns children, elderly people, pregnant women and the feeding women as action of a mushroom is not investigated, and metabolism during these periods of human life differs from usual. In other cases it is necessary to adhere strictly to the instruction to Korditseps if it is the drug manufactured abroad, for example, in China upon purchase of medicine it is necessary to ask the instruction to Korditseps in clear language.

There is also one more precautionary measure on which observance doctors insist. The increased demand for this medicine at its very high cost (the price of pure Chinese Korditseps, according to some information, reaches 25000 euros for kilogram) generated a huge number of fakes therefore the absolute contraindication to Korditseps should be considered a doubtful origin of drugs allegedly on its basis. Also it is not strongly recommended to gather this mushroom independently, without the corresponding preparation as there is a serious risk to be mistaken, and instead of medical Korditseps Chinese to stock up with his poisonous fellows.

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