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Cat's claw

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 670 rub.

Cat's claw – the dietary supplement possessing a fortifying and immunopromoting effect, applied at the increased physical activity and intellectual loadings, and also unacceptable disturbances of food.

Classification and useful properties

Кошачий коготь – биологически активная добавка, обладающая общеукрепляющим и иммуностимулирующим действиемCat's claw – a perennial plant which concerns to family of the Madder family. The plant represents a treelike liana which area of growth are rainforests of South and Central America, and also the coast and the foothills of Amazon in the territory of Peru. Length of a liana reaches 50 m, its thickness – 15-20 cm. As curative raw materials in a plant the Cat's claw is used internal bark in which concentration of useful substances reaches the maximum figures. Roots of the Cat's claw are preserved for preservation of a plant and its subsequent reproduction. On maturing of one liana leaves up to 20 years.

Scientists estimated rich composition of the curative substances which are contained in plant fibers long ago and defined their immunostimulating effect. Today still the full structure of a plant the Cat's claw is not studied, and also all its curative properties are not established.

Now the main researches of properties of the Cat's claw are conducted in the following directions:

  • Rendering impact on cancer cells;
  • Influence on the AIDS viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus;
  • Efficiency of means at treatment of depressive frustration, a syndrome of chronic fatigue.

The main biologically active components of bark of the Cat's claw are alkaloids from which distinguish izopteropodina and pteropodina, unkarina, mitrafillina and izomitrafillina, rinkhofillina and izorinkhofillina, phenols and polyphenols, vegetable steroids, bioflavonoids, organic acids, glycosides of quinic acid and many other components.

Unique curative properties of drug are caused by the group of oksiindolovy alkaloids (izopteropodina) which is contained in its structure which action is directed to activation of T lymphocytes which destroy cells of new growths in body tissues. Substances as a part of the Cat's claw activate processes of phagocytosis in fabrics, normalize balance of immunoglobulins of blood, improve rheological characteristics of blood, significantly reducing at the same time risk of development of thromboses in a vascular bed. The cat's claw renders antiinflammatory and cytostatic effect. Active components of drug promote destruction of viruses in an organism, breaking the mechanism of replication of their DNA of structures.

Indians of Amazon knew about curative properties of the Cat's claw long ago and applied powder from the dried-up bark of lianas to treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, stopping of symptoms of colds, viral infections, stimulation of sexual function at men (treatment of erectile frustration and impotence). Powder from bark of lianas of the Cat's claw was successfully applied to therapy of arthritises, cancer diseases.

Scientists and researchers became interested in a plant rather recently. During the research the mechanism of effect of active components of drug was defined. Active vegetable components, working at cellular level, have the most powerful immunomodulatory effect, recovering functional activity of an organism. The Cat's claw surpasses widely used medicinal vegetable drugs in the curative properties: the Siberian ginseng (элеутерококк), According to D'Arko (an ant tree), a mushroom to a shiitaka, a gold root.

Drug use

The cat's claw which use is justified at an allergy, viral infections, inflammatory processes of various localization and an etiology also has a powerful immunopromoting effect at oncological diseases, activating protective mechanisms of an organism (destruction by T lymphocytes of cells of new growths).

Today drug is successfully used for stabilization of hormonal backgrounds of an organism, treatment of ulcer gastrointestinal diseases, bacterial and viral infections. Preventive administration of drug promotes strengthening of protective functions of an organism. Among other diseases in which therapy the Cat's claw is used use also covers:

  • Diabeta;
  • Arthritises;
  • Prostatitises, disorders of sexual function;
  • Symptomatic complex of a premenstrual syndrome, various gynecologic diseases;
  • Mialgiya (muscle pain) of various etiology;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Disturbances of blood circulation, fibrinferment, disturbance of coagulability of blood;
  • Mental disturbances, stresses, depressive syndromes.

Cat's claw – an effective remedy of elimination of effects of intoxication of an organism medicines, himio-and radiation therapy.

Side effects and overdose

Кошачий коготь – эффективное средство устранения последствий интоксикации организма лекарственными препаратамиThe cat's claw in modern medicine is applied as dietary supplement in complex therapy of various diseases to maintenance of protective functions of an organism. At reception of the Cat's claw, the instruction to drug defines dosages and duration of a course of reception. The instruction recommends to apply to normalization of protective functions of an organism and fortifying effect on 1 capsule of drug 2 times a day during food. Dietary supplement is produced in the capsules containing 500 mg of active agent. Now packagings on 100 and 180 capsules are available.

At reception of the Cat's claw the instruction does not indicate possible side effects. The main contraindications for reception of the Cat's claw are:

  • Children's age;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • It is not recommended to use for patients with donor organs in order to avoid rejection processes.

Despite safety of drug, additive it is recommended to accept in coordination with the attending physician who will define an optimum dosage and a course of treatment.

Drug possesses bright immunomodulatory action therefore it is not recommended to combination with other drugs of similar effect.

Responses of patients and recommendation of doctors

Responses position a cat's claw as powerful drug for immunity strengthening. Use of the Cat's claw in the preventive purposes helps to strengthen protective functions of an organism during a season of high risk of infection of a SARS.

The cat's claw is appointed to patients in complex therapy at decrease in immunity. Drug has powerful fortifying effect and is appointed as a vitamin complex in the course of rehabilitation after surgical interventions, the postponed diseases, as support of an organism in the period of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Today the Cat's claw, reviews of which can be found in the Internet, is a unique natural source of elements for maintenance of immune function of an organism. However vegetable additive cannot be the main medicine, is often applied in the combined therapy of diseases.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Cat's Claw of the capsule 100 of piece

670 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cat's Claw / Kets Klou/капс No. 100, Nature's Way Products

820 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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