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Red currant

Red currant is called health berry, it grows on a long-term bush, no more than 1,5 m in height. Each bush of red currant can fructify up to 25 years. Berries at the end of June – the beginning of July begin to ripen, their brushes strongly keep on a bush, without being showered, unlike blackcurrant at the expense of what it is very convenient to reap a crop.

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Currant red – the light demander needing regular thinning and trimming. It is not really exacting to watering, but at a drought of berry smaller grow.

Structure of red currant

Curative properties of red currant it was appreciated even the 16th century and considered a natural source of health. And the modern nonconventional medicine uses these qualities of berry to this day.

It contains up to 4% of acids and to 10% of sugar, mineral salts, pectinaceous and tannins, carotene, iodine, such vitamins, important for health, as And, With, P, B1 and B2. And though red currant considerably concedes black on the content of vitamin C, nevertheless here it is not less of it, than in raspberry and a wild strawberry.

Red currant is rich with potassium which positively affects cardiac performance and promotes removal from an organism of excessive liquid, and also iron, to very necessary vessels.

This berry contains the coumarins and furocoumarins possessing soothing and antineoplastic action. Besides, coumarin treats the increased coagulability of blood.

In red currant, in comparison with black, the bigger content of vitamins P and A.

Advantage of red currant

Having nutritious and medicinal properties, red currant works as cholagogue, antiinflammatory, febrifugal, styptic and a purgative; promotes improvement of activity of a stomach and intestines; increases sweating, thereby bringing excesses of salt out of an organism. She slows down growth of new growths, prevents development of inflammatory processes.

Thanks to high content of pectins, red currant is used for removal of slags and toxins, at treatment of diseases of digestive tract.

From red currant prepare various dishes, desserts, compotes, jam, syrups, jelly, juice, fruit drinks, sauces, alcoholic and soft drinks, kvass and even salads and soups.

Berries of red currant

The advantage of red currant and the products prepared from it for increase in appetite is proved, at locks and allergic reactions. This berry promotes assimilation by an organism of animal protein, promotes increase in a vermicular movement of intestines.

Even in the frozen look red currant does not lose the useful properties. It is important to eat the mature and unimpaired berries.

Juice of red currant

Juice from these berries possesses the fortifying and refreshing action, at diseases lowers the increased body temperature, and during a heat very well satisfies thirst.

Juice suppresses an emetic reflex, excites a peristaltics of intestines and helps to overcome feeling of nausea, promotes removal of salts from an organism.

The advantage of red currant and as laxative, cholagogue, styptic and anti-inflammatory drug is known. Juice of currant is recommended to include in dietary and baby food.

Juice at chronic locks is shown. For its preparation 3 tablespoons of berries are made a glass of boiled water, then insisted within four hours, filter infusion and drink 3 times a day for half an hour before meal 50 ml.

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Leaves of red currant

In red currant everything is useful, not only berries and juice from them, but also leaves. Infusion on leaves is recommended to drink at a hypovitaminosis. For this purpose 1 table. the spoon of leaves is filled in with a half of a glass of water and warmed up on the water bath within 15 minutes. Drink infusion of 5 days in a row on 1/3 glasses of 1 times a day.

Useful properties of red currant use for treatment of cystitis for a long time. 50 grams of leaves (and, it is possible to use both fresh, and dried up) are made a glass of boiled water and insisted in the closed capacity within 4 hours. The filtered infusion is drunk between meals of 3-5 times a day on a half-glass.

In spite of the fact that on taste berry of red currant acid, its leaves contribute to normalization of a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice. For this purpose fill in with liter of white wine 50 g of fresh leaves, insist within 2 weeks at the room temperature in the dark place. Accept tincture in 20-30 minutes prior to food on 50 g.

For diuretic effect of red currant of 20 grams of its leaves steam a glass of boiled water, leave before full cooling and accept 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.


Though the advantage of red currant is obvious, there are also some contraindications to its use, it: acute gastritis, hemophilia, hepatitis, low coagulability of blood, peptic ulcer of a duodenum and stomach.

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