Main > Food stuffs> Shrimps


Shrimps treat an infraotryad of Crustacea that belongs to group of decapoda. Live in all seas of the world, some types meet even in fresh waters. The size of shrimps varies and depends on belonging to a specific look, however the adult individual does not exceed 30 cm and 2 cm are not be shorter. At the same time the size of individuals is directly proportional to the water temperature in which they live: in warmer seas shrimps meet more largely. The largest shrimps are called royal (length to 20 cm) and tiger (length to 30 cm). The main suppliers of shrimps in our country are Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Thailand and the countries of Latin America. It is considered that shrimps from the countries of Southeast Asia differ in availability of additives (including antibiotics) and more poor quality in comparison with the animals delivered from Ecuador, Nicaragua or Brazil where the quality standards are higher.


Cold water shrimps to us are brought from Norway, Estonia, Canada, Denmark and Lithuania. They more small, but at the same time more tasty, useful and nutritious. Experts assure that the best tastes are inherent in shrimps from reservoirs of Greenland and Canada.

In the territory of Russia the main area of dwelling of these arthropods are the seas of the Far East where their specific variety reaches hundreds of types.

Come to shops of a shrimp in the cooled, frozen, tinned and fresh look. Fresh-frozen shrimps keep all useful properties therefore they it is more preferable.

Structure and caloric content of shrimps

Shrimps – a product not only extremely tasty, but also very useful, at the small caloric content of shrimps the content of minerals, vitamins and microelements in them is enormous.

So, shrimps contain the following vitamins: B9, PP, C, B1, B2, D, E. Among microelements which contain in these animals – sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, sulfur, calcium, fluorine, manganese, cobalt, magnesium, copper and molybdenum.

Content of iodine – the element necessary for normal functioning of a thyroid gland – shrimps bypass beef in one hundred times.

Their structure contains almost only protein that allows to carry this product to dietary. In 100 g of shrimps the content of this nutrient makes 18,3 g while the content of fats and carbohydrates makes, respectively, 1,2 g and 0,8 g.

Caloric content of shrimps is equal to 87 Kcal that does this product irreplaceable for those who watch food and a figure.

Useful properties of shrimps

It is difficult to revaluate advantage of shrimps. Along with the low caloric content of shrimps there is a mass of useful properties of shrimps thanks to which this seafood won love among people of various cultures and nationalities.

So, specialists assure that the persons who are regularly eating these arthropods are more rare than the others have allergic diseases and differ in strong immune system, and diseases of vessels disturb them much less often.

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Nutritionists recommend to include shrimps in a diet that who is inclined to inflammatory diseases and often has catarrhal diseases. The advantage of shrimps at prevention of cancer diseases is also known and proved.

Useful properties of shrimps will also come to the rescue of those who wishes to keep longer youth. The matter is that shrimps contain astaxanthin – powerful antioxidant, a natural carotinoid to which shrimps are obliged not only the bright color, but also ability to influence education and development of new fabrics and cells.

At last, absence in shrimps of saturated fats and existence in them the omega-3 of acids does them by a tasty and useful delicacy for those who have atherosclerosis or excess weight.

Whether you know that:

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