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from 195 rub.

Ксефокам таблеткиKsefokam – the antiinflammatory and analgeziruyushchy drug used for stopping of a pain syndrome and symptomatic therapy of rheumatic diseases.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredient Ksefokam – to lornoksika.

The antiinflammatory effect of drug is caused by ability of a lornoksikama to oppress synthesis of prostaglandins which are one of regulators of biochemical processes in an organism and also to suppress release of free radicals which participate in provoking of inflammatory processes.

After oral administration Ksefokam the maximum concentration of drug in blood can be observed in 1-2 hours. Ksefokam pricks work quicker – the maximum concentration is noted in 15 minutes.

About 1/3 metabolites of a larnoksikam are removed with urine, and 2/3 – with bile. The elimination half-life Ksefokam – 4 hours, does not depend on the level of concentration of drug. Ksefokam, responses confirm, does not cause medicinal dependence and accustomings.

Indications to use Ksefokam

Ksefokam tablets are appointed at:

  • the moderated and expressed pain of various origin: mialgiya, backbone pains, oncological diseases;
  • rheumatic diseases for a symptomatic treatment of an inflammation and pain.

Ksefokam pricks are reasonable at short-term therapy of the postoperative pain and pain caused by a bad attack of an ischialgia (a scelalgia as a result of defeat of a sciatic nerve) or a lumbago (a lumbago in a lower back).


According to the instruction, Ksefokam is not appointed at:

  • disturbances of coagulability of blood;
  • nonspecific ulcer colitis, stomach ulcers or a duodenum in an aggravation stage;
  • diseases of kidneys of a severe form;
  • considerable disturbances of hepatic functions;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • dehydration, hypovolemia (reduction of volume of blood);
  • to bronchial asthma;
  • decrease in hearing;
  • heart failure;
  • deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy.

Use Ksefokam is contraindicated to the patients who did not reach 18 years, to the pregnant women and patients nursing children.

Application instruction Ksefokam

The tablets containing 4 mg or 8 mg of a lornoksikam are intended for intake Ksefokam.

At the moderated or expressed pain appoint 16 mg of drug divided into two receptions a day. In the first days of treatment if necessary use of additional 16 mg is possible.

At rheumatic diseases, and also for a maintenance therapy Ksefokam the instruction recommends to accept drug twice a day on 4-8 mg depending on health of the patient.

Ксефокам уколыKsefokam pricks can be entered intravenously (not less than 15 sec.) and intramusculary (not less than 5 sec.). For preparation of solution for injections it is necessary to take 8 mg of dry powder and to part in 2 ml of solvent. Ksefokam pricks apply at an acute pain syndrome: the recommended dose – 8 mg, at insufficient analgesic effect of 8 mg of drug are entered repeatedly. The maintenance therapy assumes use Ksefokam 2 times a day on 8 mg.

For patients with renal or baked failure, diseases of a digestive tract, with body weight less than 50 kg dose adjustment is not required.

Side effects

Ksefokam responses and the instruction refer to undesirable effects:

  • headache, sleeplessness, dizziness, drowsiness, excitement, migraine, meningitis, hallucinations, neuritis (inflammation of peripheral nerves);
  • conjunctivitis, vision disorder, decrease in auditory acuity, sonitus;
  • perspiration, fluctuations of body weight, fever;
  • heartbeat, peripheral hypostases, increase in arterial pressure;
  • abdominal pains, meteorism, vomiting, nausea, dysphagy (the complicated swallowing);
  • intestinal and rectal bleedings, round ulcers, hepatitis, colitis (inflammation of a large intestine), pancreatitis (pancreas inflammation), glossitis (language inflammation), stomatitis, dryness in a mouth, changes of hepatic functions;
  • renal failure, the increased formation of urine, glomerulonephritis (an inflammation of tiny filters in kidneys, so-called гломерул), a crystalluria (emergence of kristallik of salts in urine), a nephrotic syndrome (a state at damage of kidneys), disturbance of an urination;
  • skin rash, allergic rhinitis, asthma, bronchospasm, esfoliativny dermatitis (the inflammation of a surface of skin which is expressed in its reddening and a peeling), angiites (inflammation of vessels of hypodermic cellulose and walls of vessels of skin).

In responses about Ksefokam it is possible to meet information on negative influence of drug on ability of women to become pregnant that is explained by the action of a lornoksikam directed to oppression of synthesis of prostaglandins.

Additional information

The instruction recommends to store Ksefokam in the dark and dry place where temperature does not rise higher than 250C.

Ksefokam tablets and powder for preparation of solution at observance of storage conditions will be suitable within 5 years. Ksefokam ready to use solution should be used for days, after 24 hours it is considered unusable.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Ksefokam тбл п / about 8 mg No. 10, Nycomed/Soteks

195 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Ksefokam slow motion of a tablet 8 of mg of 12 pieces

341 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Ksefokam lyophilisate 8 of mg of 5 pieces

699 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Ksefokam a time for инъ 8 mg No. 5, Vasserburger Artsnaymittelverk Gmbh

702 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Ksefokam a time for инъ 8 mg No. 5, Nycomed

703 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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