Main > Food stuffs> Langoustine


This representative of Crustacea, the closest relative of a spiny lobster, though externally it is more similar to a lobster, by right is considered one of the most tasty sea delicacies. The langoustine has a set of names: on the British Isles he is called the Dublin shrimp, in Italy – skamp. Traditional habitals are northeast waters of Atlantic, from Iceland and Norway to Morocco. Also broad trade is carried out in the Northern and Adriatic seas.

Лангустины сырые

Useful properties of langoustines

Skamp have ten legs, the strong orange or bright pink armor pointed from top to bottom and long ring-shaped claws. The size of this sea inhabitant makes from 12 to 25 cm. Langoustines at a depth of 45-250 m live in caves which dig in soft soil. In the afternoon they sit out in the dwellings, and come for hunting at night.

Langoustines are appreciated the gentle, juicy meat having delicate and refined taste which is in a tail part and is considered dietary. And here it is not in claws of the Dublin shrimp at all. These representatives of Crustacea caught just before preparation are especially tasty.

As langoustines practically cannot exist without water, before transportation at first boil them, and then freeze that not in the best way affects their tastes. Therefore in places of trade usually sell the live lobsters who are previously placed in a special pipe. It helps to be protected from tenacious claws and is a quality indicator of a langoustine.

Freshness of this seafood upon purchase can be determined by a smell. Lack of a characteristic fish smell on a bend between a tail and an armor testifies to freshness of a skampa. Meat of langoustines is a source of digestible proteins, fatty acids, and also the whole list of useful microelements – zinc, phosphorus, copper and selenium. Only 100 g of a product contain 33% of standard daily rate of copper and iodine, 20% of magnesium, 10% of calcium.

Having included some langoustine dishes whose recipes of preparation do not differ in complexity in the diet, it is possible to increase immunity considerably. Consumption of meat of this representative of Crustacea:

  • Strengthens bones;
  • Improves sight;
  • Normalizes a metabolism;
  • Keeps health of hair and skin;
  • Promotes effective work of a brain;
  • Well influences circulatory system;
  • Prevents a senilism;
  • Is remarkable antidepressant.

Scientists found out for a long time that the people eating a lot of seafood, in particular langoustines have various diseases less often. The effect is reached thanks to their easy digestibility and saturation of an organism by mineral substances.

How to prepare langoustines

As meat of this representative of Crustacea contains only 90 kcal, it is often included in various diets. Langoustine dinner will not add excess weight, but at the expense of a large amount of protein will load with energy. As this product is considered a sea delicacy, it is a part of dishes of many countries of the world.

In Japanese cuisine there is a dish under the name "tempura" - it is a fried langoustine in batter. French add meat of this representative of Crustacea to the well-known bouillabaisse, and also soup on-ortezski. In Italy skamp – one their components of risotto, and in Spain quite often add it to a paella.

How to prepare langoustines? An initial stage in the course of their transformation into a culinary dish is cooking. For this purpose lobsters in lots on ten pieces are lowered for 30 seconds in the boiling added some salt water. It is important not to overdo seafood there, otherwise meat will turn out rigid.

At once after cooking it is necessary to start cleaning of a langoustine: it is careful to separate the head from a trunk, to break an armor the back of a knife, then meat is easily squeezed out from a tail. It is possible then to use claws, the head and an armor for preparation of broth or sauce as they are very fragrant.

It is also possible to prepare fried langoustines on a grill with vegetables, having greased previously with butter with mint and a basil or just their tax to a table in a boiled look entirely, with a lemon, lettuce leaves and olives.

Лангустины отварные

Recipes with langoustines:

  • Risotto. With olive oil to throw a garlic glove into a high frying pan, then to add there the peeled skampa meat. To slightly fry and pour in a brandy shot glass, to allow it to be evaporated on big fire. To put there couple of spoons of tomato puree and to extinguish in it langoustines about 10 minutes. Previously broth from the head and claws of Crustacea prepares. Further it is necessary to fry rice with small cut onions, to fill in all with broth and to allow it to be evaporated a little. When rice is almost ready, to fill in it with cream from the crushed meat of lobsters with cream. To give to a table, having decorated with the remained skampa carcasses;
  • Paella. To make a saffron in 500 ml of water. Langoustines to cut in half, shrimps to clear of an armor. To pour olive oil in a frying pan, to add there the crushed garlic glove, to fry seafood slightly and to fill in with a part of saffron-yellow water. After a while to pour in the remained broth in a frying pan and to gradually pour rice. To lower fire and to cook a paella fifteen minutes, to readiness;
  • Fried langoustines with parsley and garlic. Greens small to chop and mix with vegetable oil and lemon juice, to add to sauce the cleared lobsters and garlic. To leave for thirty minutes that Crustacea were well kept waiting. To prepare for them a garnish: to clean avocado and tomatoes from a peel, to chop everything a cube, to water with vegetable oil and lemon juice, to salt and pepper. Langoustines to fry on strongly warmed dry frying pan and to give with salad.

There is a set of recipes with langoustines. The regular use of this seafood positively influences health. They are especially useful to those who fight against excess weight. However it is necessary to consider that the heads of these sea inhabitants contain a lot of cholesterol.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.