Application instruction:
Ларипронт – the combined drug with antimicrobic, antiviral and antifungal action for topical administration in stomatology and the LOR-expert.
Active ingredients of Laripront render antimicrobic, antiviral, antiinflammatory, antifungal, mucolytic and haemo static action at the expense of a combination of effect of the natural enzyme operating on some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria with the chemical compound strengthening this action.
Ларипронт works locally, practically without being soaked up in a system blood stream
According to Laripront it is transferred well and actually does not cause side effects.
Ларипронт release in the form of white round tablets for a rassasyvaniye.
Each tablet contains 0,25 mg a dekvaliniya of chloride and 11 mg of a lysozyme of a hydrochloride. Excipients – magnesium stearate, peppery and mint aromatic essence, поливидон, anisic aromatic essence, sucrose. On 10 tablets in the blister.
Ларипронт according to the instruction apply at:
Also according to the instruction of Laripront apply before and after dental jaw operations, operations on almonds and Highmore's bosoms to the prevention of entering of infections.
At treatment of heavy streptococcal infections at pregnancy of Laripront apply as a part of a combination therapy as topical treatment that allows to reduce use of drugs of systemic action.
Ларипронт it is contraindicated only in cases of intolerance of any component of drug.
It is possible to apply Laripront at pregnancy and about the feeding period a breast according to indications. According to the conducted researches of Laripront at pregnancy it is rather effective at pharyngitises, quickly stopping symptoms or significantly reducing their manifestation.
According to the instruction of Laripront hold in a mouth before full dissolution. Usually apply on one tablet each several hours.
Laripront's dose for children depending on age and the carried-out therapy is appointed individually by the doctor.
After Laripront's reception it is impossible to eat food or to drink not less than half an hour.
Ларипронт to children apply as a part of a combination therapy at treatment of acute pharyngitises.
According to Laripront causes side effects extremely seldom, in the form of allergic reactions.
Ларипронт it is released without recipe. A drug period of storage – 3 years.
Name of drug
Ларипронт тбл No. 20, Heinrich Mack/October Pharma
251 rub.
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