Application instruction:
Lipoic acid – the antioxidant with fortifying action regulating lipidic and carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipoic acid (thioctic acid or the Alpha Lipoic acid) – the endogenous antioxidant capable to connect free radicals in an organism.
Working like group B vitamins, stimulates cholesterol exchange, improves a trophicity of neurons, promotes decrease in concentration of glucose in blood, to overcoming insulin resistance and increase in a glycogen in a liver.
Alpha Lipoic acid renders hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic and gipokholesterinemichesky action, improves functions of a liver, reduces influence on it of various toxins, including alcohol.
Use the Alpha of Lipoic acid in solutions for intravenous administrations reduces a possibility of development of side reactions.
Lipoic acid is produced in the form of the coated capsules containing from 12 mg to 600 mg of acid, and a concentrate for preparation intravenously of solution or solution for infusions.
Lipoic acid is applied to weight loss as a part of dietary supplements, is a part of various medicines and antioxidant complexes.
The best results are recorded at a combination of Lipoic acid to the Carnitine and vitamins of group B.
Alf Lipoic acid according to the instruction is applied at a diabetic polyneuropathy.
According to reviews Lipoic acid is appointed for increase in energy balance with the lowered pressure and anemia.
Also quite often apply Lipoic acid to weight loss, independently or as a part of complex therapy, most often – in combination with the Carnitine.
The carnitine and Lipoic acid are a part of dietary supplements which promote weight reduction due to acceleration of a metabolism.
The effect of Lipoic acid for weight loss amplifies at the expense of other vitamins of group B.
Also by results of some researches Carnitine and Lipoic Acid promote reduction of the oxidative stress causing aging and also increase energy development.
Pregnancy, hypersensitivity and the period of a lactation are a contraindication at use the Alpha of Lipoic acid. Also drug is not appointed to children due to the lack of reliable data.
The single dose of Lipoic acid at intake makes 600 mg. Usually the course of use makes 30 days.
At use intravenously (struyno slowly or kapelno) in days enter 300-600 mg of drug.
At use of Lipoic acid various allergic reactions – an acute anaphylaxis, a small tortoiseshell, and also a hypoglycemia are according to reviews possible.
After intravenous administration the Alpha of Lipoic acid are possible:
At bystry introduction perhaps sharp increase in intracranial pressure.
According to reviews Lipoic acid at intake can make vomiting, sick, or heartburn.
Lipoic acid at simultaneous use with insulin and peroral hypoglycemic means can strengthen hypoglycemic action.
At simultaneous use the Alpha of Lipoic acid with Cisplatinum reduction of its action is possible.
Lipoic acid is released without recipe. A period of storage – 3 years.
It is necessary to consider that Lipoic acid has light-sensitive properties therefore ampoules cannot be prepared in advance, and it is necessary to get them from packaging just before use.
Name of drug
Turboslim Alfa-lipoyevaya acid/L-carnitine тбл No. 20, Evalar (Biysk)
371 rub.
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