Main > Human organs> Pulmonary artery

Pulmonary artery

Short characteristic of a pulmonary artery

The pulmonary artery – a big pair blood vessel of a small circle of blood circulation, is continuation of a pulmonary trunk. Only of arteries of the person which provides transfer of a venous blood to lungs.

Легочная артерия: строение, функции

Structure of a pulmonary artery

The pulmonary artery represents 2 branches (about 2,5 cm in the diameter) a pulmonary trunk which depart from a right ventricle of heart. A pulmonary artery ahead of and more to the left of all vessels which enter and leave heart. The right pulmonary artery on length is more left, site length before division into left and right makes about 4 cm. The right pulmonary artery departs from a pulmonary trunk at an angle, is between an upper vena cava, the ascending aorta on the one hand and before the right primary bronchus with another. Left continues a pulmonary trunk, is before the descending part of an aorta and primary left bronchus. Each of pulmonary arteries enters the corresponding lung.

Functions of a pulmonary artery

The main function of a pulmonary artery – transfer of a venous blood to lungs, but it can be interfered by many diseases, such as:

1. A thromboembolism of a pulmonary artery – impossibility of transfer of blood because of obstruction of a pulmonary artery, and also branches of a pulmonary artery blood clots. Also the embolism of a pulmonary artery – arterial occlusion by air, fat, emniotichesky liquid, foreign bodys, tumors and other rare reasons meets.

The thrombogenesis because of disturbance of a blood-groove, disturbances of walls of vessels, delay of processes on washing out of blood clots and clots at the person is an origin.

The thromboembolism of a pulmonary artery is classified by the volume of the struck vascular bed of lungs on such classes:

  • Massive – at defeat more than 50%;
  • Submassive – from 30 to 50% are struck;
  • Not massive – respectively to 30%.

2. A stenosis of a pulmonary artery – narrowing of output pass from a right ventricle around the valve of a pulmonary artery. An effect of narrowing of a pulmonary trunk is increase in a difference of pressure in a pulmonary artery in a right ventricle that involves increase in effort on blood pushing out. Also pressure in the right auricle increases. As a result there is a hypertrophy of a right ventricle, and soon and insufficiency of a right ventricle. At many patients defect of an interatrial partition also develops.

At a heavy stenosis at babies cyanosis can be observed, at patients with advanced age of symptoms can not be.

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