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from 194 rub.

Lespefril – the medicine on a vegetable basis applied at treatment of a chronic renal failure.

Pharmacological action

Леспефрил – медикамент на растительной основе, применяемый при лечении хронической почечной недостаточностиTherapeutic effect of drug Lespefril is caused by biologically active agents of escapes of the Lespedeza bichromatic which are a unique natural proofreader of all types of exchange of an organism at the cellular level, and also promote clarification of an organism from toxins.

In addition to flavonoids (meletin, a kempferol, a lespedin, an eriodiktiol, isoquercitrin) escapes of a plant contain vitamin C, saponins, alkaloid, tannins and many vital microelements (potassium, zinc, manganese, aluminum, selenium, boron).

In addition to treatment of inflammatory diseases of kidneys which are followed by a chronic renal failure escapes of the Lespedeza bichromatic, being a part of drug Lespefril, are effective at treatment of an urolithiasis, pyelonephritises, a glomerulonephritis as the effective antiinflammatory, hypoazotemic, immunomodulatory, diuretic and stabilizing a water salt metabolism means.

The medicine малотоксичен, and also, unlike other vegetable diuretics, does not irritate kidneys and does not wash away potassium from an organism. Lespefril's use promotes:

  • To increase in renal filtering, diuresis and removal of nitrogenous slags with urine;
  • To decrease in an azotemia;
  • To increase in speed of removal of sodium.

Form of release of Lespefril

Drug Lespefril is produced in the form of solution for intake, in bottles on 100 ml.

Lespefril's analogs on the mechanism of action are drugs of Vitaprost, Afala, Prostatilen, Flaronin, Ichthyolum, Uroprost, Prostanorm, Bioprost, Superlimf, Kanefron of N, Renel, Speman, Tenteks forte, Flaronin and Tsiston.

Indications to Lespefril's use

Lespefril according to the instruction appoint at treatment of a chronic renal failure (preferential as symptomatic therapy).


Lespefril it is contraindicated to accept:

  • During breastfeeding;
  • At brain diseases;
  • During pregnancy;
  • At alcoholism;
  • Against the background of liver diseases;
  • After craniocereberal injuries;
  • Against the background of epilepsy;
  • In pediatrics up to 18 years;
  • Against the background of hypersensitivity to the components which are a part of a medicine.

Lespefril route of administration

Препарат Леспефрил выпускают в виде раствора для приема внутрьLespefril it is necessary to accept drug inside to four times a day. The single dose can vary depending on expressiveness of symptoms of a disease from one tea to one tablespoon (5-15 ml).

According to the instruction, Lespefril it is possible to part before the use by water.

The most effective medical course Lespefril, according to reviews. – from three to four weeks. After consultation with the doctor it is possible to pass a repeated course of treatment, but not earlier, than in 2-3 weeks.

At overdose by Lespefril strengthening of side effects can be observed.

Side effects

According to reviews, Lespefril can lead to development of slight allergic reactions. Development of a hyponatremia which can be compensated by the drugs containing sodium ions is in rare instances possible.

If the described symptoms during performing therapy are aggravated, it is necessary to report about it to the attending physician.

Medicinal interaction

Lespefril it is not necessary to accept along with Disulfiramum, sedative drugs, non-selective inhibitors of a monoaminooxidase, insulin, metformin, sulfonamide.

Lespefril storage conditions

Lespefril treats a number of medicines of a plant origin of non-prescription dispensing with a period of validity of 36 months on condition of its storage at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Lespefril ml solution 100

194 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Lespefril solution shouted. фл 100 ml, Vifitekh (г.Москва)

237 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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