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Fever of the Dengue

Fever of the Dengue Лихорадка Денге представляет собой инфекционное вирусное заболеваниеrepresents the infectious viral disease proceeding with the fever expressed by intoxication, an arthralgia and a mialgiya, a leukopenia, a lymphadenopathy and a dieback. In certain cases fever of the Dengue can proceed as well with a hemorrhagic syndrome. This disease has many synonyms: joint fever, breakbone fever, fever of giraffes, date disease, etc.

Origins of fever of the Dengue

Fever of the Dengue concerns to group of transmissible zoonotic diseases, i.e. diseases of the blood-sicking insects who are transferred at a sting. Its activator is RNA-viruliferous. Monkeys are a source of an infection, sick people and bats, and a carrier are sort Aedes mosquitoes.

Fever of the Dengue: symptoms

The incubation interval at this disease makes from 3 to 15 days, but 5 – 7 days most often proceed.

The disease begins to develop suddenly. Against the background of full health patients have a sharp fever and severe pains in bones and joints. Body temperature quickly increases to 400 C. Anorexia, a sharp adynamia, sleeplessness, dizziness, nausea is noted. Many patients have a pharynx hyperemia, an injection of vessels of a sclera and pastosity of the person.

On clinical signs allocate two forms of fever of the Dengue: classical (feverish) and hemorrhagic (with developing of bleedings).

At a classical form of a disease the increased temperature keeps within three days, and then critically (very sharply) decreases. Later two – three days temperature and all symptoms of a disease return and keep three more days again. A characteristic symptom of fever of the Dengue is the dieback (small skin rash) developing usually during the second wave of fervescence. The disease usually proceeds favorably and comes to an end with an absolute recovery by ninth day from emergence of its first symptoms.

Hemorrhagic fever of the Dengue proceeds much heavier. It begins also suddenly with fervescence, emergence of the expressed abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, cough. The condition of the patient quickly begins to worsen, the general weakness increases. Then the hemorrhagic syndrome which is shown emergence of nasal, uterine, gastrointestinal bleedings joins these symptoms of fever of the Dengue. The hemorrhagic form of fever of the Dengue is most often observed at children and in 30% of cases comes to an end with a lethal outcome. Those patients who endure a disease heat phase quickly recover.

Fever of the Dengue: treatment

Now there are no medicines for performing specific treatment of fever of the Dengue. Therefore the patient carries out the symptomatic therapy consisting in appointment febrifugal, anesthetics and vitamin drugs, intravenous administration of liquid.

For Лихорадка Денге передается при укусе кровососущих насекомыхtreatment of the fever of the Dengue proceeding with a hemorrhagic syndrome use antibiotics and corticosteroid hormones, however, their efficiency is not proved by clinical tests. If necessary make transfusion of plasma substituting solutions for maintenance of a water balance of an organism of the patient.

Prevention of fever of the Dengue

Today, unfortunately, it is impossible to do vaccination against fever of the Dengue since the licensed vaccines protecting the person from this disease do not exist. Problems with development of a vaccine are that there are several types of a virus of fever of the Dengue, and drug has to protect from all of them. In addition there are no suitable live models on which it would be possible to carry out full clinical tests of the developed inoculation from fever of the Dengue. Therefore now the only ways of prevention of this disease are fight against mosquitoes in endemic zones, and also protection of people against their stings.

Going on the vacation to the countries of Asia, you cannot do vaccination against fever of the Dengue. But in your forces to protect itself from stings of the mosquitoes which are virus carriers. For this purpose going outside, regularly use repellents. Evenings do not leave a window in the room of the hotel open, especially if on them there are no anti-mosquito grids. Observance of these simple rules will help you to be protected from such dangerous disease as fever of the Dengue.

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Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.