Application instruction:
Tsikloferon's linimentum presents itself the interferon inductor in the form of the liniment applied to treatment of many infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted.
Tsikloferon's linimentum has the expressed antiviral, antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.
1 ml of ointment contains 50 mg of a meglumin of an akridonatsetat, 38,5 mg of N-metilglyukamina and excipients. Drug on early terms is capable to suppress a reproduction of a cytomegalovirus, viruses of herpes, papilloma, an immunodeficiency of the person and other viruses.
Active anti-Chlamidia, antibacterial and antifungal effect of ointment Tsikloferon linimentum is caused by ability of drug to stimulate the main systems of immunity, inducing early alpha interferon.
Tsikloferon linimentum, responses confirm, is effective as an immunotherapy component at treatment of clamidioses, fungal and bacterial infections of urinogenital system, and also other persistent and acute bacterial infections.
Besides, Tsikloferon's linimentum is widely applied to treatment of chronic parodontit that is caused by its ability to suppress growth of pathogenic microorganisms and to normalize the level of secretory immunoglobulin A in liquid of dentogingival pockets.
Use of this drug allows to improve a hygienic condition of a mouth, to reduce mobility of teeth, to reduce bleeding of gums, to get rid of an unpleasant smell from a mouth.
It is reasonable to apply Tsikloferon's linimentum at such diseases as:
Ointment Tsikloferon linimentum is not appointed: to children, women during pregnancy and in the period of a lactation, and also to persons with hypersensitivity to active ingredients of drug.
Tsikloferon's linimentum ointment can be applied locally, intravaginalno and vnutriurertralno. Intravaginalny administration of drug is carried out or by means of the special applicator attached to a tuba with ointment or by means of the ordinary syringe without needle. After introduction of linimentum of Tsikloferon the entrance to a vagina for 2-3 hours should be closed a cotton plug in order that there was no free evacuation of drug.
The herpes infection assumes putting drug a thin layer on affected areas, it is necessary to repeat this procedure within 5 days 1-2 times a day. Genital herpes is treated within 10-15 days by intravaginalny or vnutriurertralny instillations (fillings) on 5 ml once a day.
At candidosis and nonspecific uretrita Tsikloferon's linimentum is applied by means of instillations of 5-10 ml. Defeat at men of an upper part of an urethra assumes filling of drug in an outside opening urethral the channel through a syringe cannula. Right after introduction of linimentum of Tsikloferon the opening should be clamped for 1,5-3 minutes then to allow solution to flow out independently. After 30 minutes the patient has to urinate. Drug use duration – 10-14 days. In the same way, only every other day (5-7 instillations), defeats of back department of an urethra are treated, applying a catheter instead of the syringe. At uretrita of a specific etiology filling of linimentum of Tsikloferon is recommended to be combined with specific germicides.
At balanoposthites it is necessary to process drug a prepuce and a balanus once a day, at the same time it is recommended to use about 2,5 ml of linimentum of Tsikloferon for once. Treatment duration - 10-14 days, if necessary in two weeks repeat a course.
At vaginita and vaginoses ointment it is necessary to apply Tsikloferon's linimentum within 10-15 days 1-2 times a day in the form of intravaginalny instillations or introduction of the tampons impregnated with drug. The single dose can vary from 5 to 10 ml depending on expressiveness of a disease.
At chronic paradontita Tsikloferon's linimentum is applied on gingivas by means of a cotton plug, at the same time ointment should not be rubbed.
Before drug use paradontalny pockets are recommended to be washed out an antiseptic agent. Usually paradontita Tsikloferon's linimentum treat for 12-14 days, applying 1,5 ml of drug every 10-12 hours. If necessary in two weeks the course can be repeated.
As responses testify, Tsikloferon linimentum is well had, poorly expressed allergic reactions were only in rare instances recorded. At use of drug such phenomena as insignificant erubescence and short-term burning which, as a rule, quickly pass are possible and do not demand drug withdrawal.
Tsikloferon's linimentum can remain suitable within two years if to store it at the room temperature, far from a sunlight.
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