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Linimentum Synthomycini

Синтомицин линимент 10%

Linimentum Synthomycini – antibacterial agent for external use.

Pharmacological action

Linimentum Synthomycini has pronounced antibacterial properties which are caused by ability of drug to break protein synthesis of microorganisms.

Active agent of Linimentum Synthomycini is chloramphenicol, and auxiliary – castor oil. Drug possesses a high degree of activity concerning the majority of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Effective ointment Linimentum Synthomycini appeared also concerning the activators which showed streptocides, tetracyclines and penicillin resistance. Drug is also used for the purpose of clarification and healing of trophic ulcers, purulent and burn wounds, and also for acceleration of epithelization.

Indications to use of Linimentum Synthomycini

The instruction recommends to apply Linimentum Synthomycini at pustulous damages of skin, pyoinflammatory diseases of mucous membranes and skin, an anthrax, a furunculosis, and also to treatment of long not healing ulcers, purulent wounds, burns and nipple cracks at the nursing women.

In reviews of drug it is often possible to meet information on effective use Linimentum Synthomycini from spots.


It is contraindicated to apply ointment Linimentum Synthomycini at eczema, psoriasis, fungus diseases and hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol. To pregnant women drug is appointed according to strict indications.

Application instruction of Linimentum Synthomycini

As a rule, for processing and treatment of wounds use Linimentum Synthomycini of 10% in which 100 g 10 g of chloramphenicol contain. Drug is usually used in two ways: by direct drawing on a wound surface and overlaying from above a sterile bandage or by putting ointment Linimentum Synthomycini on a gauze, and then on an affected area. The bandage at treatment of wounds needs to be changed once a day, and at burns – 2-3 times a week. Линимент синтомицинаThe instruction recommends to use tampons with Linimentum Synthomycini for filling by drug of a cavity of purulent wounds.

The feeding women should apply drug with a dense layer on nipples, previously processed 25% liquid ammonia.

It is better to use Linimentum Synthomycini from spots in the form of 5% or 1% of ointment not to cause allergic reaction on face skin.

Side effects

Linimentum Synthomycini of 10%, 5%, 1% can provoke burning, dryness, an itch and erubescence in a site of application.

Additional information

Linimentum Synthomycini will be suitable within two years if to carry out its storage in the dry, dark and cool (120C - 150C) place.

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